Prime-Tass English-language Business Newswire
March 11, 2004
OSS-Zvezda wants to attract 1.2 mln Armenian mobile users
YEREVAN, Mar 11 (Prime-Tass) — Russian-Armenian telecommunications
joint venture OSS-Zvezda is expected to attract up to 1.2 million
subscribers if allowed to launch its mobile service network, the
company’s General Director Eduard Akopyan told a news conference
OSS-Zvezda has submitted a bid to Armenia’s Transport and
Communications Ministry for a license to provide GSM 1800 mobile
services, he said adding that after the national telecommunications
monopoly ArmenTel is stripped of its monopoly rights, the bid could
be considered by the ministry.
Currently, OSS-Zvezda is completing the construction of its mobile
network and is awaiting the license, he said.
The total investments into the project are estimated at 60 million
euros, he noted. No other details were available. End