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Polish, Armenian Speakers discuss relations

Polish, Armenian Speakers discuss relations

PAP news agency, Warsaw,
16 Mar 04


Sejm [lower house of parliament] Speaker Marek Borowski and the head
of the Armenian National Assembly, Artur Bagdasaryan, met [on] Tuesday
[16 March] to discuss bilateral relations, international affairs and
Armenia’s policy towards the Polish minority.

Borowski said after the meeting that Bagdasaryan was interested in
European legislature, Poland’s political system and the functioning
and powers of the Sejm. The Armenian side expressed readiness to
develop closer interparliamentary contacts between the two countries
and interest in Polish experience in European integration.

On Wednesday the guest will be received by President Aleksander
Kwasniewski, Prime Minister Leszek Miller, Foreign Minister Wlodzmierz
Cimoszewicz and presidia of the Sejm’s foreign affairs and European

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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