A1 Plus | 21:38:13 | 25-03-2004 | Social |
The public is aware that a march and a rally will take place on April 2, the
2nd anniversary of “A1+” TV Company ceasing from broadcasting area.
Yerevan Mayor was informed about the measures but he decided not to sanction
the march and to allow the rally at the territory near Matenadaran and not
on the Liberty Square.
In response to Mayor’s “permission” the initiating group again informed in
written that the measures will be held under the program introduced
The executives of Police Department of Center Commune told initiating group
head Vardan Harutyunyan on March 24 that the march is illegal and they will
do their best to hamper it.
On March 25 “A1+” Chair Mesrop Movsesyan and the initiating group member
Tigran Ter-Esayan were told the same in the Police Department.
After persuasion of the law-enforcement bodies the initiating group decided
that the ungrounded refusal of the municipal authorities is unlawful. The
26th article of Armenian Constitution says: “Citizens have the right to hold
peace and unarmed meetings, marches and rallies”.