Categories: News

No breaking of cease-fire

Azat Artsakh – Repubic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
March 25 2004


On March 23 the OSCE mission held a planned monitoring of the
borderline between the armed forces of Karabakh and Azerbaijan near
the village Talish, region of Martakert. On the Karabakh side the
monitoring was conducted by the field assistants of the personal
representative of the OSCE Chairman-in-Office Kenneth Pikles (Great
Britain) and Genady Korzh (Ukraine). During the monitoring no cases of
breaking the cease-fire were reported. The monitoring mission was
accompanied by the representatives of the NKR ministries of defence
and foreign affairs. After the monitoring the representatives of the
OSCE mission visited the soldier of the NKR armed forces who was
wounded by the Azerbaijani sniper on March 19.


Makarian Koko:
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