Azeri speaker asks Russian counterpart to help settle Karabakh conflict
ANS TV, Baku
29 Mar 04
[Presenter] Azerbaijani Speaker Murtuz Alasgarov has received Russian
State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov. He said that Russia is Azerbaijan’s
strategic partner, adding that measures will be taken to expand
cooperation. For his part, Russian State Duma Speaker Boris Gryzlov
said that the Interparliamentary Assembly and the intergovernmental
economic commission would hold sessions in April. Alasgarov expressed
the hope that Russia would help settle the Karabakh problem.
It should be noted that Boris Gryzlov, who is on a two-day visit to
Baku, met Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister Artur
[Correspondent over video of the meeting] Armenia is behaving as a
terrorist state and is growing narcotics on the occupied territory,
[Alasgarov said]. It is committing terrorist acts at the expense of
the funds made from that. As a country which has special relations
with Armenia, we want Russia to be more active in settling the
problem. From this point of view, we have always had great hopes for
Russia. The Nagornyy Karabakh problem should be resolved only
peacefully and on the basis of international norms.
We hope that as chairman of the State Duma, you will use your
authority to help establish peace and stability in the South Caucasus.