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Policemen Provoking and Appearing in Hospital

A1 Plus | 18:26:09 | 29-03-2004 | Politics |
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“Justice” Bloc held a meeting in Gyumri. Naturally, the meeting organizers
had beforehand appealed to Municipality for permission. {BR}

Gyumri Mayor Vardan Ghukasyan had informed the meeting organizers that
Municipality couldn’t guarantee safety of meeting participants.

Meeting took place irrespective of everything. “Justice” Bloc leader Stepan
Demirchyan, “Republic” Party Chair Albert Bazeyan, Arshak Sadoyan and other
bloc members partook in it.

Some women in the square were holding posters with “Go away! Leave us alone,
Stepan Demirchyan, Artashes Geghamyan!”.

Some police employees in civil clothes tried to provoke disorders.
Provocation was prevented but a few policemen received bodily injuries and
are now in hospital.

But the provokers didn’t stop. Eggs were thrown at the meeting organizers
from the building roof. It’s a new method of self-protection by Authorities
since no eggs had been thrown at Opposition leaders and no provocations had
occurred before serious steps directed to power change were announced for.

4 people – Karen Margaryan /Albert Bazeyan’s driver/, Hamlet Lazarian
/non-Party man/, Tigran Ter-Margaryan /People’s Party of Armenia/ and Karen
Lazarian /Republic Party/ were arrested after the incidents.

Albert Bazeyan and Viktor Dallaqyan are now in Gyumri to make more accurate
the legal bases and reasons for their arrest.

It is to state that a few days ago President Robert Kocharyan instructed all
the policemen to wear uniforms to keep the public vigilant.

Suren Surenyantc, head of Information Service of “Republic” Party, is sure
that Authorities are the masterminds of disorders. He said that Opposition
is ready to resist those provocations. He informed that after clarifying the
status of those arrested Bloc will appear with a political assessment.
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