BAKU: Azeri pressure group protests upcoming visit by Armenian Min.

Azeri pressure group protests at upcoming visit by Armenian minister

Trend news agency
31 Mar 04


Trend correspondent S. Agayeva: The Karabakh Liberation Organization
[KLO] will prevent the Armenian education minister [Sergo Yeritsyan]
from attending a session of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation
Organization in Baku on 15-16 April, the KLO chairman, Akif Nagi, has
told Trend new agency.

It is unacceptable for a minister from the enemy country to
participate in the Baku session, Nagi said. The Azerbaijani
authorities must not let such a visit take place, he said. β€œLet the
Armenian education minister educate the jingoistic Armenian youth. He
has nothing to do here.”

The KLO intends to stage protest actions outside the buildings of
state bodies which organize the session, as well as outside the hotel
which will host the gathering.