NY ASA to host Richard Hovannisian April 7th

New York Armenian Students’ Association
PO Box 7876
New York, NY 10116-4634
Contact: newyork_asa@yahoo.com

April 6, 2004

Contact: New York ASA: newyork_asa@yahoo.com
WHAT: NY ASA and St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral presents:


WHERE: Vartan Hall, St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016

WHEN: Wednesday, April 7, 2004, 7:00- 9:00 PM

FEES: Students/ASA members free
Donations to the ASA are welcome!

New York, NY – The New York Armenian Students’ Association and St. Vartan
Armenian Cathedral are honored to have Professor Richard G. Hovannisian of
the University of California, Los Angeles, speak on Wednesday evening, April
7, on the subject of his most recent publication, Looking Backward, Moving
Forward -a discussion on the Armenian Genocide, entailing the question of
how to move forward while not losing sight of the past, namely
universalizing the Armenian experience.

Professor Hovannisian is well known to the Armenian community as the Holder
of the Armenian Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Armenian History at
UCLA and the founder and three-time president of the Society for Armenian
Studies. He is the author of numerous works on the Republic of Armenia,
1918-1920, the Armenian Genocide, and the historic Western Armenian
provinces. Hovannisian has received many honors for his scholarship, civic
activities, and advancement of Armenian Studies. He serves on the board of
directors of nine scholarly and civic organizations and has made numerous
television and radio appearances on issues relating to the Armenian people
and Armenian, Near Eastern, and Caucasian history. In 1990 he was elected to
the Armenian National Academy of Sciences, has been awarded honorary
doctoral degrees by Yerevan State University and Artsakh State University,
and has received encyclicals and medals from Their Holinesses, the
Catholicoses of Holy Etcmiadzin and of the Great House of Cilicia. Mort
recently, Dr. Hovannisian served as the historical consultant for the
National Geographic Magazine feature article on Armenia.

For more information about the NY ASA please visit

For more information about St. Vartan Armenian Cathedral please visit us
online at
