April 18, 2003 – “Word on the Street”
A New Law ?
We asked citizens of Yerevan what they thought of the Constitutional Court’s
suggestion that the National Assembly adopt the necessary legislation to
conduct a referendum one year from now, as a sort of presidential vote of
confidence. Also, if they thought such a vote would be a solution to the
continuing doubts.
Here is what they said:
I doubt that such a law would pass, because no president would allow it,
since it would be something against him. And as for the people’s doubts,
that would be a good thing.
– Varduhi Khachatrian, 29, Designer
Knowing our people, such a law would permit them to change a president once
a year. Because of that I think passing such a law would be an ignorant
thing to do, and would solve nothing.
– Anita Grigorian, 38, Musician
In any case, it would be good to pass such a law because it would show Mr.
Demirchian that the people have chosen their president fairly and honestly.
And as for the doubts people have, this law will not put them to rest.
– Irina Lavanian, 28, Sociologist
I doubt such a law would ever pass. Each presidential candidate would be
going through it, and I don’t think it would be a pleasant thing for any of
them to leave their positions a year later. As for the people, that would be
a great for them to conduct future elections more fairly.
– Karen Barkhudarian, 33, Computer Operator
It would be stupid to pass such a law as it will become a game for them.
That will not relieve any doubts but will create more confusion.
– Mikael Babian, 25, Jeweler
If the people are unhappy with their president or have doubts about their
choice, then they have the right to express that through this law. I think
this can be a good law.
– Laura Tadevosian, 44, Lawyer
If this law passes, it will be great, because that will force the president
to work more honestly and efficiently, and to avoid mistakes. And the people
will finally have a legal venue through which they can express their
complaints to the president.
– Anahit Mkrtchain, 35, Salesperson
I highly doubt that if such a law passes, it will be useful. Just like other
laws, this too will remain on the books, and there alone. And the people
will always find something to be doubtful about their president. I don’t
think this law is any kind of solution.
– Armen Matvosian, 30, Journalist
Such a law will never pass because it will create confusion in the
government. The people will end up losing and they won’t have the means to
show their discontent.
– David Voskanian, 62, Politician