Authorities to prevent “political extremism”, says Armenian president
Mediamax news agency
13 Apr 04
Ashot Kocharyan, the spokesman for the Armenian president, today
presented the president’s position on recent events in the country.
This is the full text of the statement submitted to Mediamax news
agency by the Armenian president’s spokesman:
“In recent days the behaviour of the aggressive political minority, in
particular, the calls for a change of authorities and violence,
unsanctioned rallies and marches, has acquired the form of political
extremism. This is especially dangerous for a country, which is
devoted to democratic values and is carrying out radical economic
reforms, as it endangers its stability and the prestige it has gained.
“In the prevailing situation the law-enforcement agencies were obliged
to ensure public order within the framework of the law. The police
intervened when the normal work of the National Assembly and Armenian
president had been disrupted by the opposition’s actions, which in
this way also endangered the country’s constitutional structure. The
protesters did not obey the legal demands of the police and
demonstrated disobedience.
“All state structures are acting within their constitutional
authorities, fulfilling the obligations imposed on them to ensure the
normal life of the country and people.
“The authorities will use all legal means to prevent new displays of
political extremism.”