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Leader of Karabakh leaves for France

Leader of Karabakh leaves for France

Mediamax news agency
7 Jun 04

Yerevan, 7 June: The president of the Nagornyy Karabakh Republic
[NKR], Arkadiy Gukasyan, left for France today.

The head of the information department under the NKR president told
Mediamax news agency today that “Arkadiy Gukasyan will take part in
the cultural events in France dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the
establishment of truce in the zone of the Nagornyy Karabakh conflict”.

The cultural programme is organized on the initiative of the Armenian
Union of France “In support of Karabakh” and with the assistance of
the coordination committee of the Armenian organizations of France. The
NKR president will visit Paris, Marseilles and Nice.

It is expected that during the visit Arkadiy Gukasyan will meet the
French cochairman of the OSCE Minsk Group for the settlement of the
Nagornyy Karabakh problem, Henry Jacolin, and representatives of the
Armenian community of this country.

Hunanian Jack:
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