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Which Of Two TV Channels To Be Retransmitted?


A1 Plus | 16:22:11 | 08-06-2004 | Social |

After months of being turned off, the 23 UHF transmitter was
unexpectedly turned on today.

Testing signal appeared on the screen although no programs are being

The head of Radio and Television National Commission Grigor Amalyan
said recently in his interview with our correspondent that the
Commission won’t decide programs of which of the two Russian channels –
NTV or Culture – will be retransmitted on that broadcasting frequency.

NTV channel’s programs retransmitted before that. Some sources say
Armenian government gave an instruction to the Commission not to
announce tender for the frequency until negotiations with Culture
channel are completed. And what is the reason for today’s switching
on? Our correspondent tried to get the answer from NTV-retransmitting
Paradise Company, called there and had “an interesting talk” with
one of the company staff.

Question: Which TV channel will be retransmitted?

Answer: I don’t know.

Q.: What programs will be retransmitted?
A.: Don’t know.

Q.: If so, then why was the signal switched on?
A.: Don’t know.

Q.: Could we talk to the head of the company?
A.: He’s absent.

Q.: Maybe his deputy is present?
A.: He isn’t empowered to answer questions.

Q.: And maybe you are empowered?
A.: Call to Radio and Television National Commission.

So, the retransmission fate is still obscure and Paradise seems to
be absolutely not involved in decision-making process. At least the
conversation with the company employee is quite puzzling.

Jilavian Emma:
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