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BAKU: Economic & social dev. & concern for people – prioritydirectio

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
June 8 2004


[June 08, 2004, 18:21:38]

Dear residents of Yevlakh!

Dear sisters and brothers!

I am cordially greeting you all, and expressing my deep respect and
love to you.

A very remarkable event is taking place today in Yevlakh. These nice
square and avenue are about to be named after nation-wide leader of
our people Heydar Aliyev. On this occasion I extend my sincere
congratulations to all of you.

Nation-wide leader of our people Heydar Aliyev served the Motherland
and nation during all his lifetime. In 1970-80s, the great
constructive work was carried out under his leadership. The country’s
economy was developing leaving behind the rest of the Soviet
Republics. The people in the Soviet Azerbaijan, indeed, felt this:
standard of living increased, new enterprises, hospitals, schools,
scientific and cultural centers were built. It was exactly the period
when powerful economic potential was created in Azerbaijan,
particularly, on oil sector. This potential is serving independent
Azerbaijan even today, and is a great support of the country’s

After coming back to power in 1993, this time to govern independent
Azerbaijan, Heydar Aliyev continued to serve his people, and helped
the country out of difficult situation. We all remember well that
after re-gaining independence Azerbaijan appeared to be in the very
difficult situation. On the one hand, Armenian aggression against
Azerbaijan, on the other hand processes taken place within the
country. Chaos and anarchy were ruling the country. At that hard
time, the people appealed again to their nation-wide leader, and
invited him to Baku. After Heydar Aliyev returned to the capital,
stability has been re-established in the country, and favorable
conditions have been created here for further development. Since
then, Azerbaijan has been successfully developed.

Our country has managed to occupy a worthy place in the international
arena. My recent foreign visits have shown again that Azerbaijan has
turned into a very important country in the region. Of course, it, in
the first place, is the result of Heydar Aliyev’s efforts, triumph of
his diplomacy.

Huge investments have been made in our country, and Azerbaijan is a
leading one from this standpoint, as well. Today, a section of the
Baku–Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and large pumping station are being
constructed in Yevlakh. It of course became possible thanks to the
activities of Heydar Aliyev. If the oil strategy were not laid by
Heydar Aliyev in 1994, we would not achieve such successes.

At the same time, social problems are also resolved in Azerbaijan.
Living conditions of refugees and IDPs are improved – new
settlements, schools and hospitals are being constructed for them.
This process will be continued. I stated during my pre-election
campaign that no an encampment would remain in the country. In this
connection, relevant decrees have already been signed, and their
implementation has already started.

In a word, Azerbaijan has been strengthened under the leadership of
Heydar Aliyev for the past decade. Today, our country is looking to
the future with confidence. We have great prospects. The whole world
knows that Azerbaijan will shortly turn into economically powerful
state. To reach this goal, it is first of all necessary to continue
Heydar Aliyev’s policy. Today, taking the opportunity, I want to
express my gratitude to the people of Yevlakh for supporting the
Heydar Aliyev’s policy in the elections. There are no alternatives to
this course. And we will do continue that in all spheres.

Azerbaijan’s positions in the international arena will do
strengthened. My recent visits indicate once again that Azerbaijan is
pursuing very successful policy in this direction. Azerbaijan has
good relations with the world’s most prestigious international
organizations – Council of Europe, European Union and NATO, as well
as with the world’s leading countries.

Azerbaijan’s economy strengthens day by day and intensively develops.
Measures are taken to open new working places. Oil strategy continues
successfully and in early next year the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan MEP will
be put into operation. Social problems are solved. Last year the
pensions and wages have increased. These positive trends will
continue. We shall try to do our best to improve living conditions of
our people.

As you know, we have adopted socio-economic and regional programs
important for future development of Azerbaijan. These programs are
being realized. I am confident that in the coming five years,
realization of them will greatly benefit our Republic. We are
fighting poverty and this will be continued. Opening of new working
places is priority for us and I have several times stated on this.
Today, with a feeling deep pleasure I would like to say that about 30
thousand of working places have been opened after the President
elections. It is also pleased that these working places have been
opened in the regions. This is one of the major factors of our
policy. All regions of Azerbaijan should develop. All the regions and
cities, settlements and villages, all residential areas should
develop. The people should be employed. I am very glad that early
conclusions of this policy have become reality. I am convinced that
these trends will continue and poverty and unemployment will be

Today, I am pleased of being in Yevlakh. It was said here that I had
visited Yevlakh before the elections and met the residents of
Yevlakh. I received their support and won at the elections. It is
rather pleased that large-scale works are carried out in Yevlakh. You
know that I have appointed a new head of the executive power in
Yevlakh. In the course of conversation, we have decided that probably
in six months I shall come here to familiarize with the done works. I
am very glad that this was two months. Large works have been done in
Yevlakh during these two months – streets and parks have been paved,
enterprises restored, attention and care for people increased. Should
these factors exist everywhere, Azerbaijan will solve its problems in
a short period. I hope it will be so. If in Yevlakh during two months
such large-scale works have been done, then, I am sure it can be done
on other regions as well. I have a demand for all the executives and
managers in the places – to develop the cities, regions, build and
open new working places, set conditions for entrepreneurs, assist the
farmers, peasants, at the same time attentively treat the people. I
am rather glad that all these are being realized in Yevlakh. I wish
success to the new management, the residents of Yevlakh in this

The grounds of this policy have been established in 1993. Should this
course of development not be taken in that year, today Azerbaijan
would face more problems. In those years, difficult problems of the
Republic were solved. Restoration of stability, maintenance of order
and rule and at the same time, as an important problem – the process
of strengthening of Azerbaijan statehood was launched. At that time,
the state independence of Azerbaijan was under jeopardy. As a result
of Heydar Aliyev’s gigantic efforts, significant steps were made in
this direction. To say, Azerbaijan, since 1996, has overcome all
these difficulties. Since that time, the country is developing

Today, we are optimist for the coming years. Morrow is bright. The
Country will develop, strengthen, become stronger and our crucial
problem – the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh problem find its
solution. I am confident. Our cause is fair. We support justice, want
to restore territorial integrity of our Country. We try this conflict
to find its solution in the frame of international law and
peacefully. At the same time, we should be ready for all other
happenings. We have no claims on territories of others and will not
give a span of Azerbaijani land to others. We shall liberate our
native lands. We are going to do it in peaceful way. Should it not be
possible, we shall do it by all means.

Heydar Aliyev’s policy should be continued to solve the forthcoming
tasks and problems. Azerbaijan needs this policy today and it will
need it tomorrow. I have stated to adhere to this policy before the
elections and I am devoted to this policy today and will not
backtrack from this. We shall go only forward and to new

Dear residents of Yevlakh, I once again congratulate you on naming
this Square and Avenue after the national leader of Azerbaijan Heydar
Aliyev, wish you new successes, new victories. Thank you.

Kanayan Tamar:
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