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BAKU: Seminar on “history of Azerbaijan culture” held

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan
June 8 2004

[June 08, 2004, 22:28:03]

A Republican culturology seminar on the topic ” History of the
Azerbaijan culture”, organized by the International Cultural Center of
Civil Society, the Azerbaijan Society of Culturologists and Association
of Culture of Azerbaijan “Simurg” was held in the “Irshad” Hotel.

President of Association of Culture of Azerbaijan “Simurg “,
academician of the International Academy of Scientific Problems of
Intellectual Development Fuad Mammadov, having welcomed the visitors,
has noted, that the seminar is devoted to one of actual problems –
to the history of the Azerbaijan culture.

The doctor of historical sciences, corresponding member of the National
Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) Farida Mammadova spoke on the
topic “The Caucasian Albania: the history and the present”, in detail
told about the role and place of Albanian people in ethno-genesis of
Azerbaijan people, history of occurrence and falling of the Albanian
church, produced proofs of groundlessness of claims of the Armenians.

The report of the doctor of the art, collaborator of the Institute of
Architecture and Art of ANAS Jamil Hasanzade on the topic “The Tebriz
miniatures in world museums” has caused large interest and discussions.

Reproductions and slides which evidently illustrated the report, led
the visitors to the ÕØ-ÕVI centuries – the period of blossoming of
Tebriz school of miniatures and occurrence of the so-called pathetic
miniature which have made the whole stage in the history of the
Azerbaijan art.

Then, was held a “round table” during which the exchange of opinions
has taken place, discussed was the topic “Culture of Azerbaijan
yesterday, today, tomorrow”. Members of the World Association
of the non-governmental organizations, teachers, businessmen,
representatives of creative and trade unions, municipalities, the
religious organizations, mass media took part in the discussion.

Nanijanian Alex:
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