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Energetic chapter hosts ACYOA national gathering

Diocese of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern)
630 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10016
Contact: Jake Goshert, Coordinator of Information Services
Tel: (212) 686-0710 Ext. 60; Fax: (212) 779-3558
E-mail: jakeg@armeniandiocese.org

June 9, 2004


The young people of the St. Sarkis Church of Dallas, TX, chapter of the
Armenian Church Youth Organization of America (ACYOA) played host to
hundreds of ACYOA members during the group’s energetic and successful
General Assembly and Sports Weekend.

The Assembly, from May 27 to 28, brought together 40 representatives
from 17 parishes. It was the first time the Dallas chapter hosted the

“This was my first time attending the General Assembly, and it was very
encouraging and inspiring to discover that others share the same
dedication, hope and excitement about having a successful ACYOA, locally
and nationally,” said Melissa DerPilbosian, an ACYOA member from the
Holy Trinity Church of Cheltenham, PA


Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Eastern Diocese, told the
young faithful that it is never too early for them to step forward and
take roles of responsibility in the church community.

“Armenians, throughout our history, have beautifully exemplified the
Christian tradition of stewardship. All of our worthy achievements, our
long survival in the face of terrible obstacles, are in the deepest
sense a record of faithful stewardship, by the Armenian people to our
Almighty Lord and Master,” the Primate said. “Our parents and
grandparents did not take on all these challenges because they felt
there was something in it for themselves. Quite the reverse. They
worked and sacrificed and contributed because they regarded the church
itself, and service to God, as something greater than themselves: as a
duty they had inherited from prior generations; as a legacy they were
obliged to hand down to generations yet to come.”

“Now, all of this heritage has been placed in your hands,” he told the
young delegates. “You are the new stewards of the Armenian Church. It
is now your turn — your obligation — to be its care-takers, its
defenders, its creative builders.”

The Primate also read to the Assembly a message from His Holiness
Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos of All Armenians; and led
the young delegates in a bible study dealing with the idea of
stewardship. The Primate then hosted the delegates for a luncheon,
during which he answered questions on a variety of issues.

The Assembly was a chance not only for the delegates to get business
done, but to get to know the Primate better and get to know each other
as well.

“It’s always a pleasure being with people my age who share the same
faith and values that I do,” said Dn. Armen Jesralyan, an ACYOA member
at the St. Leon Church of Fair Lawn, NJ. “I can’t express how much of
an influence this has on me.”

Also speaking during the assembly was Jason Demerjian, the Eastern
Diocese’s college ministry facilitator, who spoke on remaining a
faithful Armenian Christian. His ministry is the newest effort by the
Eastern Diocese to reach out to those who do not attend regular

“It was a true blessing to witness the strong commitment and fresh ideas
demonstrated at the Assembly,” said Gregory Andonian, ACYOA
representative from the St. Gregory of Narek Church in Cleveland, OH.
“The Armenian Church and its people have a bright future.”


The ACYOA delegates voted for three Central Council seats. Re-elected
for another two-year term were Maria Derderian of the St. Sahag and St.
Mesrob Church of Wynnewood, PA; and Rita Akaraz of the St. John Church
of Southfield, MI. Also elected was Karen Khatchadourian of the St.
Thomas Church of Tenafly, NJ.

“The ACYOA Central Council continues to be an integral part of the
Armenian Church. Their wisdom and passion has helped strengthen this
organization in the past few years,” said Steve Megrdichian, the youth
director from the Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church of Providence, RI.
“Their mission has been to collectively put forth each of their talents
to promote the ACYOA and its programs.”

The new Central Council officers for the 2004-05 year are: Jennifer
Morris, chair; Dn. Diran Jebejian, vice chair; Rita Akaraz, treasurer;
Tammy Bagdigian, secretary; Maria Derderian, public relations;
Christopher Tashjian, chapter relations; and Karen Khatchadourian,

“This year’s Central Council is composed of strong leaders and
passionate servants of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,” said Morris,
who begins her last year on the Central Council after 15 years of
involvement. “We will work together to continue strengthening the ACYOA
on the national level, while focusing on effective communication and
programming to help benefit young adults throughout the Eastern


On Sunday, more than 75 of the young delegates joined the faithful
parishioners of St. Sarkis Church for a Divine Liturgy, celebrated by
Fr. Daniel Findikyan, dean of St. Nersess Seminary. Fr. Haigazoun
Najarian, pastor of the St. Sahag and St. Mesrob Church of Wynnewood,
PA, delivered the Armenian sermon and the English sermon was delivered
by Fr. Vazken Movsesian, from the Western Diocese.

After the liturgy, the Primate conducted a special Service of
Installation for the new ACYOA Central Council.

“We, and the faithful present here, ask for God’s blessings upon these
servants of the Church, that they may continue to serve God and the Holy
Mother Church of Armenia,” said Nancy Basmajian, executive secretary of
the ACYOA, as she presented the council to the Primate.


Following a weekend of business and church services, 350 young adults
from the Eastern Diocese took part in the Sports Weekend, which ran from
May 28 to 31, 2004. The Sports Weekend committee was chaired by Evelyn
Boyajian. More than 172 athletes from 12 parishes competed in events
ranging from chess and tavloo to track and basketball.

Along with sports events on Saturday, there were also a series of
workshops, covering topics such as: college life and the church; the
realities of sex, drugs, and violence; the state of marriage; a
discussion on the movie “The Passion of the Christ”; and presentations
on the Armenian General Benevolent Union and the Armenian Genocide
Museum and Memorial.

The young members of the Eastern Diocese were joined by the chair of the
Armenian Church Youth Organization (ACYO) of the Western Diocese, Hovig
Artinian, who was accompanied by about 50 ACYO-WD members. He told the
ACYOA delegates at the Assembly that he hoped a new era of open
communication could build joint ventures between the two organizations.

Several clergymen also spent the weekend with the ACYOA members,
including: Fr. Daniel Findikyan, dean of the St. Nersess Seminary; Fr.
Nersess Jebejian, pastor of the St. Hagop Church in St. Petersburg, FL;
Fr. Garabed Kochakian, pastor of the St. John Church of Southfield, MI;
and Fr. Haigazoun Najarian, pastor of the Sts. Sahag and Mesrob Church
of Wynnewood, PA.

* * *

Taking home first place honors during the ACYOA Sports Weekend were:
Men’s Basketball – St. Vartan Cathedral
Women’s Basketball – St. John Church, Detroit, MI
Volleyball – St. James Church, Watertown, MA
Soccer – Holy Ascension Church, Trumbull, CT
Tug-of-War – St. Sarkis Church, Dallas, TX
Bull Riding – Onnik Madanyan, St. Gregory the Illuminator Church,
Chicago, TX
Chess – David Avanesov, St. Gregory of Narek Church, Cleveland, OH
Tavloo – Ara Minassian, St. Sarkis Church, Dallas, TX
Ping-Pong – Fernando Maraslioglu, St. Sarkis Church, Dallas, TX
Track, Men’s 100 meters – Diran Belekian, California
Track, Women’s 100 meters – Kelly Karakashian, St. John Church, Detroit,
Track, Men’s 200 meters – Diran Balekian, California
Track, Women’s 200 meters – Kelly Karakashian, St. John Church, Detroit,
Track, Men’s 400 meters – Diran Balekian, California
Track, Men’s 800 meters – Charlie Stamboulian, St. John Church, Detroit,
Track, Men’s 1,600 meters – Thomas Stamboulian, St. John Church,
Detroit, MI
Massis Award – St. Sarkis Church, Dallas, TX
Babayan Cup – St. James Church, Watertown, MA

— 6/9/04

E-mail photos available on request. Photos also viewable on the Eastern
Diocese’s website,

PHOTO CAPTION (1): Archbishop Khajag Barsamian, Primate of the Diocese
of the Armenian Church of America (Eastern), with the newly chosen ACYOA
Central Council at St. Sarkis Church of Dallas, TX, the host of the 2004
ACYOA General Assembly and Sports Weekend.

PHOTO CAPTION (2): The Primate discusses stewardship with the delegates
at the 2004 ACYOA General Assembly in Dallas, TX.

PHOTO CAPTION (3): A team takes part in the tug-of-war competition
during the ACYOA Sports Weekend in Dallas, TX.

PHOTO CAPTION (4): Basketball was one of the sports in the 2004 ACYOA
Sports Weekend, hosted by the St. Sarkis Church of Dallas, TX.

# # #

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian: “I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS
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