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Armenia Pollutes River In Azeri Exclave – TV Says


ANS TV, Baku
13 Jun 04

(Presenter) Armenia’s sewage water pollutes the Araz (Araxes)
river. Health Minister Ali Insanov has said that Azerbaijan has
repeatedly asked international organizations to help resolve the
problem. Armenia, however, does not show any interest in solving
the problem.

(Correspondent) The issue of pollution of the Araz river by
Armenia will be raised during forthcoming meetings by international
organizations, Azerbaijani Health Minister Ali Insanov said during
his trip to Naxcivan. Insanov said that he raised the question at
all international meetings in which he took part so that to solve the
problem. Armenia, however, is not interested in solving the problem.

(Insanov shown speaking to microphone) I noted the problem in my speech
at an annual session of the WHO (World Health Organization) Assembly in
Geneva in May. We raise the issue from time to time. Unfortunately,
Armenia’s position on the issue, just like on many other issues,
is inappropriate.

(Correspondent) Armenia’s sewage and waste waters pollute the Araz
river. Bacteriologic tests showed that the contamination of the river
is eight to 10 times over the norm in Sadarak District and four to
six times in Culfa and Ordubad districts. It cannot be ruled out that
the contamination affects the flora and fauna of the Araz basin.

Natella Mahmudova and Musfiq Haciyev, ANS, Naxcivan.

Nahapetian Samvel:
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