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Montreal..Marking the Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin and the 20thannivers


Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese
Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
Email; adiocese@aol.com Website;

Montrealâ^À¦Marking the Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin and the 20th anniversary of
the establishment of Canadian Armenian Diocese

The Feast of Holy Etchmiadzin and the 20th anniversary of the
establishment of Canadian Armenian Diocese were marked on Sunday
June 13th , 2004 at St Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Cathedral
in Montreal. The Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Archbishop Vatche
Hovsepian, former Primate of the Armenian Church Western US Diocese
presided by His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of the
Armenian Church Canadian Diocese. The “Gomidas” choir of St Gregory
the Illuminator Armenian cathedral conducted by sub-deacon Varoujan
Markarian sang the Holy Liturgy. Serving at the altar were the Rev
Fr Hayrig Hovhannesian, Fr Vazgen Boyadjian, Pastor of the Church,
as well as the deacons and acolytes of the St Gregory Armenian Church.

In his words of greeting, Bishop Galstanian welcomed Archbishop Vatche
Hovsepian and highly praised his tireless efforts in building up
the Montreal Armenian community. Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian thanked
Almighty God for granting him the opportunity to once again celebrate
the Divine Liturgy in Montreal and expressed his gratitude to Bishop
Bagrat Galstanian for inviting him on this blessed occasion. Serpazan
Hovsepian said “As I was called to serve God and the Armenian Apostolic
Church, I committed myself in building up Churches and communities that
would preserve our nation. From the very inception of the establishment
of Montreal Armenian community we ran into many difficulties and
complications, but by the Will of God and commitment of our people we
were able to accomplish our mission”. The Archbishop later said “Dear
brothers and sisters in Christ, the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin
is the spiritual birthplace of Armenian Christianity. Be faithful and
loyal to our spiritual heritage and keep the God-given center sacred”.

The capacity crowd in the church who was present to mark the feast of
Holy Etchmiadzin and the 20th anniversary of Canadian Armenian Diocese,
also participated in Hayrapetakan Makhtank. Prayers were raised asking
the Almighty God to grant the Holy Father, His Holiness Catholicos
Karekin II of All Armenians good health and prosperous mission in
serving the mother church and the Armenian people.

Following the Divine Liturgy a formal banquet sponsored by Mr. and
Mrs. Taro and Anahid Alepian and prepared by the Ladies’ Auxiliary
was interspersed with speeches by the dignitaries and a short cultural
show in the Church’s Marie Manoogian Hall. The invocation was offered
by Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian. After a short welcoming speech by
M.C., Mr. Megerdich Kanondjian, Chairman of the Parish Council, the
microphone was passed to Mrs. Vilma Halepli-Basmadjian, chairwoman
of the luncheon’s organizing committee. Rev Fr Hayrig Hovhannesian
delivered his message and highlighted the significance of the Mother
See of Holy Etchmiadzin in the life of the Armenian people throughout
its turbulent history of 17 centuries.

Immediately thereafter, an inaugural presentation of a recital
of the Church’s newly-formed Children’s Choir was conducted by
sub-deacon Varoujan Markarian. A group of traditional folk songs
were presented with a high artistic standard that earned many encores
and a standing ovation by the enthusiastic crowd. A brief emotional
address on behalf of the youth was presented by Saro Shishmanian, who
confided that every time he visited the Cathedral of Holy Etchmiadzin,
“he felt that God touches him to remind that this is where he belongs”.

A series of songs was presented a propos to the feasts celebrated,
by soprano Ani Keropian, who accompanied herself on the piano. The
cultural portion of the afternoon was rounded out by piano pieces
played by two children from attendance Loris Margossian and Yohanatan

Mr. Mego Kanondjian M.C. then invited Very Rev Fr Ararat Kaltakjian
to introduce Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian, who had been instrumental in
the purchase of the church building and the renovation works 34 years
ago. Archbishop Hovsepian reminisced about all those who had passed
into eternity and those present in the audience, who had devotedly
worked for the organization of the community. He revealed a hand
cross, which was donated in those days by a faithful from Istanbul. He
had tried to buy it from a Turkish friend he had met in Anatolia,
and it turned out that the young man’s mother was an Armenian, who had
insisted that his son donate the cross to an Armenian Church. June 13,
was also the Archbishop Vatche Hovsepian’s birthday. Led by Fr. Ararat
the crowd sang Happy Birthday in both English and Armenian.

Closing remarks were offered by Bishop Galstanian, who advised the
faithful to remain steadfast in their faith and loyalty towards the
Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin, the head and the heart of the Armenian
Church established in the Armenian Homeland.

On behalf of the clergy, diocesan council and the entire faithful of
the Armenian Church in Canada Serpazan Hayr extended his filial love
and heartfelt wishes to Vehapar Hayrapet His Holiness Karekin II. He
also congratulated the Clergy, Diocesan Council, Parish councils
and all the auxiliary bodies Armenian, Political, cultural and
philanthropic organizations and the devoted faithful of the Armenian
Church in Canada on this glorious occasion. He stated. “The feast of
Holy Etchmiadzin is he ground of our being” he then continued “One
of our Bishops Tadde Serpazan, who ended his life in martyrdom in a
Soviet prison, never betraying his faith in and loyalty towards Holy
Etchmiadzin. “The history of Holy Ethcmiadzin embraces the Armenian
History. Many tribulations have passé, and many are yet to come
and pass. You and us will also pass, but Holy Etchmiadzin shall
remain forever”.

Divan of the Diocese

Torosian Aram:
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