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BAKU: Ukranian telechannel on position of the country on Arm-Az,NK c

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
June 18 2004

[June 18, 2004, 17:35:49]

In the analytical program “Hour”, prepared by 5th TV-channel of
Ukraine, commented was the objective approach of leadership of the
country to the Nagorny Karabakh conflict, which corresponds to the
interests of Azerbaijan.

The commentator of the program “Hour”, popular program in Kiev, has
reminded, that during the state visit of the head of the Azerbaijan
state Ilham Aliyev to Ukraine, President Leonid Kuchma directly
and openly expressed the ideas about occupation by Armenia of the
territories of Azerbaijan, about condition of thousands refugees.
Further, in the program, the historical roots and consequences of
this conflict have been stated. The attention of tele-viewers has
been involved to the activity of the OSCE Minsk Group, noting that
such authoritative international organization has failed to achieve
settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict
proceeding already more of 15 years. It has been underlined, that owing
to destructive position of the Armenian side, the mediation efforts of
some of the states, including Ukraine, have remained ineffectual at
settlement of the problem. It is also marked that the statement made
by President Leonid Kuchma during official meetings with the President
of Azerbaijan by Ilham Aliyev in Kiev has caused a wide resonance.

The commentator of the program, who has stated then the relations of
the Ukrainian politicians and local press to the given statement,
has presented spectators the objective attitude to problems of
Azerbaijan. Necessity of achievement, at last, practical results has
been marked during negotiations within the framework of the CIS,
and also with assistance of Ukraine. It is underlined, that the
time has come that the international community has adopted strict
measures concerning the Armenia -aggressor and separatists of the
Nagorny Karabakh.

Chaltikian Arsine:
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