Anti-Armenian in all dimensions


Azat Artsakh – Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
June 21 2004

Experts state that 1-3 million Azerbaijanis live in and near Moscow,
and 63 percent moved from Azerbaijan in recent years. 40 percent are
young and middle aged men who migrated without their relatives. A
small part arrived with their families. Only 5 percent run their own
business, 43 percent found high-salary jobs. 86 percent consider
they have already got accustomed or will soon get adjusted to the
new life, 45 percent with the assistance of their relatives living
in Moscow. 20 percent want to bring their families. What about those
who did not achieve success? Will they leave the capital of Russia in
the near future? 50 percent do not know, 33 will never leave despite
difficulties. Difficulties for 55 percent is home, for 35 percent
jobs, for 72 percent registration or status of refugee. For most of
them the negative attitude of the people and authorities of Moscow was
an unpleasant surprise. If we add the language factor and feeling of
loneliness the picture will become complete. The Russian newspaper
“Azerbaijani Congress” published since May 2003 is for supporting
and bringing together their compatriots. Recently I got one of the
editions of this monthly newspaper. Of the mentioned edition with
16 coloured pages one may get more information, such as that in the
large region of Primorye the Azerbaijani community is rather large,
whereas in Stavropolie they have only 45 thousand compatriots where
“unfortunately the majority prefers to trade in the market” (perhaps
they would wish to become at least senators, or governor or famous
cultural figures). And the community with 45 thousand members has not
a single Sunday school. The regional department of the All-Russia
Azerbaijani Congress which was registered on February 28, 2000
(soon after which accidentally or not the profane actions of ruining
Armenian cemeteries were launched) has such an aim. Instead they have
managed in other places. For example, in Chuvashia. On February 24 of
this year the statue of Nizami Gyanjiev was opened in Cheboksary. Are
there relations between Nizami Gyanjiev and Cheboksary? No. And why
must there be any relations. They wished to do they did. For it was
not done on the means of the Chuvash people. The deputy chairman of
the AAC Natik Aghamirov paid all the expenses from his pocket. By
the way this is the third statue of the Persian writer in Russia, the
first and the second are in Moscow and Sanct Petersburg. What can they
do? Only in Moscow there are 114 names indicating the contribution and
talent of Armenians in all spheres: memorial, street, a whole living
quarters, theatre, church, cemetery. Perhaps I would not write this
article if I did not read the article by certain Emin Mamedly “The
Khans of Nakhjvan” under the headline “History”. After reading it one
comes to the conclusion that the aim is not so conveying information
about this or that Caucasian Tatar who served in the Russian army
and achieved high ranks as extending to the Russian reader that the
Armenian lands are not Armenian. Mentioning about the fact that the
khanate of Nakhijevan was annexed to Russia by the famous agreement
of Turkemenchay (February 10, 1828) and that Persia once and for
all (the latter expression is taken in inverted commas) yielded –
the Azerbaijani khanates of Yerevan and Nakhjvan to Russia, and by
the Supreme Manifest Tsar Nikolay I named the united area – Armenian
region, which was followed due to the support and aid of the Russian
commanders by the mass resettlement of the Armenian population from
Persia to the mentioned region and the khanate of Karabakh. How is it
possible to name the only subject of the Russian empire in the Caucasus
after a concrete nation, exclaims the author with hysteric pity and
then states with unhidden hatred how the committee of resettlement
was headed by ethnic Armenian Colonel Lazarev and Lieutenant-Colonel
Arghutinski-Dolgorukov and how the former khans were deprived of
their rights. Moreover, by the fourth article of the same agreement
the khans, beks and clergymen of the other Russian provinces were
also deprived of rights and – they were not allowed to settle down
in the Armenian region. The pseudo-historian of our times calls the
fair and regular historical phenomenon “colonization of the region”
by forced resettlement of the Muslims and immigration of Christians,
mainly ethnic Armenians, as well as Russians, Ukrainians and – Germans,
Czechs, Polish (?). “In this situation the only means of preserving
the lands of the historical motherland was devoted service to the
house of Romanov,” writes the author. Here we are – Mamedli did not
hesitate to pour the poison of his heart on the excellent writer
of historical novels Valentin Pikul. He was especially furious with
the interpretation of the character of the Ismail khan (who plays a
dual game) in the film “Bayazet” on the novel of Pikul shown on the
second Russian channel. He labels this excellent film as “immoral
and illiterate”. By the way, one of his mentioned khans Kelbili
khan later fought against Andranik, and his brother, officer of the
division “Savage” Jumshud was at the same time the commander of the
Karabakh cavalry. In such cases it is accepted to say no comment but,
nevertheless, we shall try to comment on this. At the end of the
article the author says, “Allah rahmat eliasin” (Allah give peace to
their souls) and this is not in vain as they have shed the blood of
thousands of Armenian women and children. By the way, the editor of
the newspaper “Azerbaijani congress” is Afrang Dashdamirov not unknown
to the intelligentsia of Artsakh who once occupied the position of
the head of the department of propaganda of the Central Committee of
the Azerbaijani Communist Party under Heidar Aliev and the position
of the secretary of the Central Committee on propaganda under Kyamran
Bagirov. To conclude I will add the following: the propaganda machine
of our enemy is enviably active not only at home but also abroad. In
the brains of the growing generation they must seed the absurd and
brazen idea that there is no Armenian land in the world. And if
at one time a generation captured a greater part of the historical
motherland of the Armenians, the duty of the following generations
is to preserve it at any cost and not to yield back. And for this
sake they will not hesitate even to declare their prophet Mohammed
Christian. What do we oppose to this machine, with what success? But
this is already another subject for study.


Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS