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BAKU: Azeri MPs urge foreign colleagues to condemn Karabakh polls

Azeri MPs urge foreign colleagues to condemn Karabakh polls

Trend news agency
22 Jun 04

Baku, 22 June, Trend correspondents X. Azizov and E. Huseynov:
The Azerbaijani Milli Maclis [parliament] adopted an appeal to the
parliaments of the world and international organizations on 22 June
in connection with the 9 August municipal elections in the occupied
Nagornyy Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

The appeal decisively condemns plans to hold the elections, which
are gauged as a gross violation of Azerbaijani laws. The document
says that by taking these steps Armenia proves once again that it
has no intention of giving up on its aggressive policy and neglects
the norms of international law, the UN Security Council resolutions
[on Nagornyy Karabakh] and the principles of the OSCE’s Budapest,
Lisbon and Istanbul summits.

The Milli Maclis calls on the parliaments of the world and
international organizations to decisively condemn such steps and not
to recognize the results of the elections.

All the 96 MPs who attended the session voted for the appeal.

Tumanian Talar:
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