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Armenia coach Stoichita will not be back

Armenia coach Stoichita will not be back

The Associated Press
06/22/04 16:33 EDT

YEREVAN, Armenia (AP) – Armenia coach Mihai Stoichita, whose contract
has expired, said Tuesday he would not stay with the team due to
family reasons.

The Romanian coach told the Armenian Soccer Federation of his decision
in a letter just two months before the start of European World Cup

The federation said it is looking for a new coach, but did not
disclose names.

Armenia, which failed to qualify for the European Championship,
will face the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Romania, Finland,
Macedonia and Andorra in Group One of the qualifying competition for
the 2006 World Cup finals.

Armenia’s first match is at Macedonia on Aug. 18.

Tvankchian Parkev:
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