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Armenia an organized and stably developing partner country

June 24 2004


BERLIN, JUNE 24, ARMENPRESS: The working visit of Armenian prime
minister to the Federal Republic of Germany continues. The
German-Armenian Economic Cooperation Day Conference opened at the
German Center of Industrialists yesterday morning. Armenian
Ambassador to Germany, Karine Ghazinian, delivered the opening
message stating that it is difficult to overestimate the significance
of this meeting, the evidence of which was a high-ranked delegation,
headed by Armenian prime minister. The ambassador thanked the German
Development Agency, German Industry and Commerce Chamber, German
ministry of economic cooperation and development, as well as Eastern
Commission of the Technical Cooperation for support in organizing the
conference. Hoping that the conference will present Armenia as a
reliable partner ambassador Karine Ghazinian wished a fruitful work
to the conference participants.
Armenian prime minister Andranik Margarian also greeted the
participant. In his speech he said in particular,
“Ladies and Gentlemen, dear friends,
I would like to welcome all participants and guests of the
“Armenian-German Economic Cooperation Day” Conference on behalf of
the government of the Republic of Armenia and myself, wishing us all
productive work both in the course of plenary sessions and individual
business meetings.
I am confident that this Conference will provide a good
environment to achieve its main objective-to deepen and further
develop the economic cooperation between the Federal Republic of
Germany and the Republic of Armenia and give a new incentive to
enlargement and consolidation of the existing ties between the
business communities of the two countries.
The ongoing political, economic and social reforms, launched after
Armenia declared its independence, have penetrated over the recent
years into quite a different qualitative phase. Ensuring full and
effective operation of all public administration bodies of
independent Armenia, anchored on democratic values and combined with
apparent achievements of the country’s economic policy, allows us to
qualify today the Republic of Armenia as the most organized and
harmonized developing country in the region.
Notable is the fact that the cornerstone of these economic
achievements is the developments of export-oriented branches of
economy, producing competitive goods and services for international
markets, which is the main priority of all programs, implemented by
the government of Armenia. Worth mentioning, in this context, is the
importance of financial, technological and human investments,
implemented in Armenia by companies from our partner countries. It
should also be registered that currently the European Union is the
biggest trade and economic partner of Armenia. I hope that the
European Union’s enlargement by another ten members in last May,
expansion of cooperation and a future harmonized increase in the
overall trade turnover volumes that will certainly mark a significant
progress, will serve as a new impetus to maintaining and
consolidating this position, having in mind that Armenia has taken
the path of European integration and its desire to build a state in
compliance with European political and economic criteria. In this
respect we emphasize the enlargement of bilateral trade and economic
relationships with EU member countries, which is promoted also by
initiating and organization of businesses forums. I am pleased to
have the opportunity to point out the volumes of cooperation
projects, which we started to implement with the Federal Republic of
Germany since 1993, the importance of the involved branches and their
efficiency. The total volume of projects, implemented within the
frameworks of Technical and Financial Cooperation, and since 2001 in
the frameworks of the regional Caucasian Initiative Program, in terms
of money, has exceeded 150 million euros. Among these projects worth
mentioning are the project for the Support to Small and Medium-Sized
Entrepreneurship (18.9 million euros), creation of Bank Deposits
Guarantee System (4 million euros), Urgent Assistance to Energy
System (17.9 million euros) and Rehabilitation of Utility
Infrastructures (37.4 million euros). This Conference will provide a
practical opportunity to representatives of business community of
both countries to revise their bilateral business potentials, to seek
for new approaches from the viewpoint of making economic cooperation
between Germany and Armenia as effective as possible. The reports to
be made at the Conference by the Armenian side will provide an
in-depth look into various sectors of Armenian economy that will
become an additional incentive for German businessmen to invest in
the Armenian economy and establish new business contacts. In
conclusion I would like to once again welcome this very important
initiative wishing all its participants successful work.”
Greeting the participant , South Caucasus German Parliamentary
Group Chairman Christopher Bergner expressed his pleasure for the
composition of Armenian delegation. He also wished a successful work
to conference participants expressing belief that Armenian German
economic relations will enjoy not only the support of the parliament
but the political forces, too. In his message he said in particular,
“I am happy that Armenian prime minister assessed so highly the
Caucasian Initiative project. The prime minister justly noted that we
should think about European enlargement, when speaking about economic
relations. European countries thought it necessary to include South
Caucasus countries in the Wider Europe: New Neighbors project and
have succeeded in their efforts. We should not devalue its
significance in this conference because it can open up new
privileges.” He also said in his speech that a delegation of German
parliamentary visited South Caucasus a month ago and was assured that
the project is giving good fruits. The European Commission is
developing different projects for implementing Wider Europe: New
Neighbors scheme, but the commission should not be alone in its
efforts, he said. During the day the Andranik Margarian visited
Potsdam Plaz, Zezilienhof complex which is in Potsdam, the capital of
Brandenburg, where a dinner was organized in the honor of Armenia
prime minister on behalf of German minister of education and science
Stefan Reiche. During the dinner the sides discussed issues on
cooperation in the field of education and culture. Andranik Margarian
greeted the efforts of Brandenburg education and science ministry for
including truthful facts about the Armenian Genocide in the history
textbooks of educational establishments. He also discussed the
possibility of recognizing Armenian Genocide by separate regional
landtags. The prime minister thanked Brandenburg regional government
for supporting the reconstruction of the exhibition hall after
Johannes Lepsius. He voiced his hope that after the reconstruction
Lepsius’s dream of having German-Armenian academy will come true,
stating that the Armenian government, Armenian Academy of Sciences,
and Matenadaran are ready to provide information and scientific
support to the establishment of the academy. Andranik Margarian
thanked Brandenburg regional educational minister for his support in
recognition of Armenian genocide and invited him to participate in
the 90-th international conference devoted to Armenian genocide which
will be held in 2005 in Yerevan. The minister thankfully accepted the
invitation. Andranik Margarian also visited historical monuments of
Potsdam accompanied by regional justice minister on European issues
Barbara Rikhchstein. In the evening a reception was organized by
German Center of Industrialists in the honor of the participants of
Armenian-German Economic Day conference.

Zaminian Bedik:
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