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Azerbaijan launched diplomatic fight against Artsakhtelecom

June 28 2004


BAKU, JUNE 28, ARMENPRESS: Azerbaijan continues its the diplomatic
fight against Artsakhtelecom (Karabagh Telecom), which has developed
international ties and is cooperating with about 63 companies now,
including AS EMT(Estonia), CosmOTE – Mobile Telecommunications S.A.
(Greece), ETISALAT (UAE), Globe Telecom (Filippins) GSM Kazakhstan
Ltd (Kazakhstan), H3G-A (Italy), Megaphone (Russia), OMNITEL
(Lithuania), Orange A/S-A (Denmark), SwissCom Mobile Ltd.-A
(Switzerland), T-Mobile Limited-A (Great Britain), AT&T Wireless PCS
LLC (USA) and several others.
According to Azeri Ekho daily, Azerbaijani diplomats working in
several CIS countries are instructed to press for annulment of
contracts with Artsakhtelecom. Particularly, Azeri Ambassador to
Ukraine Taliat Aliyev told Ekho that he has held meetings at the
Ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs where he expressed his
dissatisfaction about the contracts between Artsakhtelecom and
Kievstar. The ambassador has also met with Kievstar authorities and
explained that “Nagorno Karabagh is part of Azerbaijan and no one is
authorized to enter into relation with it without the permission of
Azerbaijan.” Azeri diplomat told Ekho that Kievstar assured that they
will annul the contract with Artsakhtelecom. Azeri diplomats are
taking similar actions in other countries.

Hunanian Jack:
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