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NKR bank of date of the disabled

Azat Artsakh, Republic of Nagorno Karabakh (NKR)
June 28, 2004


Presently about 9 thousand disabled people live in Karabakh, who
receive state monthly pensions and have certain privileges. The
invalids of Karabakh have a lot of problems related to social
conditions, housing conditions, employment, medical care and other
questions. According to the NKR minister of social security a number
of measures are taken in this relation. It is notable that soon the
bank of data of the disabled will be created, which will allow to
study the sphere thoroughly. According to the minister, the record
card of the invalid will provide information on his or her education,
specialty, housing conditions, family status, and other data.
Speaking about the future work L. Ghulian also informed that all over
the territory of the republic checking of invalidity will be carried
out, and this time the special commission will be sent to the
regions. `By gathering data about employment of the disabled it will
become clear what kind of jobs to create for them and what works of
retraining to carry out. Diagnostic studies will indicate what kind
of rehabilitation center is needed in NKR.’ L. Ghulian mentioned that
the creation of the bank will enable to solve in the future the
housing problems of the disabled, especially those who need special
flats. The minister assured that the works have already started and
the bank will operate from August. The bank which will be operated by
the medical and social expert commission will have full control of
the sphere.Â


Karapetian Hovik:
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