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Book Signing and Presentation of Three New Works by Author Nahabed

Book Signing and Presentation of Three New Works by
Author Nahabed Melkonian

Jerusalem St. Tarkmanchatz
Alumni Association of North America
1335 N. Detroit, #114
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Tel: (323) 851-9119
Tel/Fax: (818) 247-6809
Email Contact: Mihran Toumajan

June 30, 2004

The Tekeyan Cultural Association, the Armenian Society of Los Angeles,
and the Jerusalem St. Tarkmanchatz Alumni Association of North America
cordially invite the public to attend a book signing and presentation
of three new works by the eminent author and intellectual, Nahabed
Melkonian. The featured books include “The Lament of the Church”
(“Voghp Yegeghetsvo”, in Armenian), “In the Shadow of Meditation”
(“Khogumneru Shukin Dag”, in Armenian), and “In Contemplation”
(recently translated into English).

The books will be presented by the Rev. Fr. Vazken Movsesian, Pastor
of St. Peter Armenian Apostolic Church in Glendale; Dr. Sarkis
Mesrobian; and, Aris Sevag, Managing Editor of The Armenian Reporter
International weekly newspaper and translator of “In
Contemplation”. Parsegh Kartalian will serve as Master of
Ceremonies. The evening will also feature a modest artistic
program. The presentation will culminate with the traditional dousing
of wine on the books (kinetson).

This literary event will take place on Wednesday evening, July 21,
2004 at 8:00 pm at the Armenian Society of Los Angeles’ Center in
Glendale (221 South Brand Boulevard).

Refreshments will be available after the book signing and
presentation. Admission is free.

Felekian Ara:
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