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Canadian Diocese: Meeting of the Department of Christian Education

Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese
Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
Email; adiocese@aol.com Website;

Meeting of the Department of Christian Education

The fifth meeting of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian
Diocese, Department of Christian Education took place in Hamilton,
Ontario on June 24th, 2004. His Grace Bishop Bagrat Galstanian
attended the meeting. Rev. Fr. Datev Melenguitchian, Pastor and
Mrs. Georgina Sarkisian attended as representatives from St. Gregory
the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of St. Catherines.
Mrs. Taline Gumusdjian attended as representative from Holy Trinity
Armenian Apostolic Church of Toronto. Miss Alexia Citak as
representative from St. Mary Armenian Apostolic Church of Hamilton and
Mrs. Ashken Malkhasian attended as secretary. The meeting was called
upon in the efforts to assess the needs and challenges facing the
Sunday Schools in Canada.

The Department of Christian Education began from “the ground up”, as
His Grace Bishop told those attending; since the summer of last year,
all members of the council have worked hard to provide a solid
foundation for which all Sunday Schools can grow. Through the past
meetings the department has come a long way; Sunday Schools have been
started in churches that before now had never had one. By creating a
mission and vision supported by calendars and a new curriculum, Sunday
Schools have flourished into true learning facilities for Christian
Armenian youth. The department has worked hard to provide student
interaction, most recently by the development of an annual Christmas
event, and a summer camp.

During the meeting, a major point was made on communication, this
being what all members saw as the key to instilling all further
developments by the council. In response to this point, a link from
the diocesan website to a site for the Sunday School will be
created. This way a format where anyone can find out, and understand
the goings on within the council and individual Sunday Schools at any
time, just by accessing the site. This opens the door to different
learning methods and exciting teaching styles, as all teachers and
eventually all students will have the opportunity to ‘chat’ with one
another. With regular meetings and a good communication base there
would be the longevity and support needed to establish all the
different areas of the department.

It was addressed that there was a need for not only financial support
within the department but administrative support in order to entrench
all areas of the department into the diocese. Administrative
assistance was considered to be a crucial formality, this way all
schools could have uniform polices and could deal with issues in the
same way. This would alleviate difficulties and challenges made toward
individual Sunday Schools. The idea of a small fee given to the
Department from each Sunday school was offered. Thus, by creating a
financial base, others could donate to the department in order for
more activities and events to take place. This topic was suggested to
be further discussed at the next meeting taking place in Montreal on
August 6th, 2004.

Overall the meeting was very efficient and helped to bring out valid
points in order for the growth of Sunday Schools to be possible. The
Department as a whole is making important steps to benefit Sunday
Schools throughout Canada. It is expected that by this time next year
it will advance further and be an even more influential branch of the
Armenian Holy Apostolic Canadian Diocese.

Communication Office of the Christian Education Department

100th Anniversary Celebration of Vehamayr Ovsanna Sarkissian

On Saturday June 26, the 100th Anniversary of Vehamayr Ovsanna
Sarkissian, the mother of H.H. Karekin I of blessed memory, was held
in the Cummer Lodge in Toronto.

The Sarkissian family members, relatives and friends who bear fond
memories of Vehamayr Ovsanna Sarkissian, had gathered to congratulate
the centenarian mother and to wish her good health. Also present at
the celebration was His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate,
accompanied by Rev. Fr. Zareh Zargarian, Pastor of Toronto’s Holy
Trinity Church, Yeretsgin Nayira and Assistant Pastor Deacon Vrej

During the celebration, a surprise announcement was made by Bishop
Galstanian, that His Holiness Karekin II, Catholicos of All Armenians,
has bestowed the Pontifical Order of St. Nerses Shnorhali upon
Vehamayr Ovsanna Sarkissian. The Pontifical Gontag was read by
Rev. Fr. Zareh Zargarian, following which the Primate announced that
the medal will be formally handed to Vehamayr in the Holy Trinity
Church on Sunday, August 8.

A reception was held, hosted by the Sarkissian Family, and prayers
were said for the good health of Vehamayr. Serpazan congratulated
Vehamayr Ovsanna on behalf of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of
Canada, the clergy, the Diocesan Council, the Parish Councils and the
entire faithful, wishing her and the Sarkissian Family God’s

The Primate’s Lecture in Holy Trinity Church of Toronto

On June 25, His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian lectured on the
Armenian Holy Apostolic Church to an international audience of over
300 people. The lecture was organized by St. Marc’s Eastern Orthodox

Bishop Galstanian talked about the role of the Armenian Church in the
life of the Armenian nation, and about the Church’s losses and martyrs
in the long and tragic march along the Armenian people in her almost
2000-year history. Serpazan’s presentation, which lasted about an
hour and a half, deeply impressed and moved the audience that
consisted of Armenians and non-Armenians alike. Many among the
audience posed questions that were answered by the Primate.

The second lecture was about the Coptic Orthodox Church, presented by
Bishop Ankelos, who was invited from England. The lecture evolved
around the brotherly relations between the Coptic and Armenian
Churches, and the common theology shared by both churches. Bishop
Ankelos said that he had visited Armenia on three occasions and has
been enriched with many memorable impressions of the country. A period
of questions and answers followed the lecture. The audience then moved
to the church hall, where coffee was served, hosted by the British
Consulate. The evening was concluded by the blessings of the bishops.

The Year-end Hantes of AGBU Zarougian Daily School

On Friday June 25, 2004 the AGBU Zarougian school year-end hantes was
held under the auspices and in the presence of His Eminence Bishop
Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of the Armenian Church Canadian Diocese,
accompanied by Reverend Archpriest Father Zareh Zargarian, Pastor of
Holy Trinity Armenian Church of Toronto.

The attendees, consisting of parents and former students of the
school, cheered a high quality cultural program staged by the school’s
students. Graduation certificates were then handed to the students who
had successfully accomplished their schooling. The Principal of the
school Ms Hasmig Kurdian read her annual report and then invited the
Primate His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian to speak. “There is no
victory without sacrifice; there is no freedom without suffering” said
His Eminence addressing the students. He then congratulated the
graduates, the executive and auxiliary bodies of the school as well as
the parents.

The year-end Hantes was concluded by the Prayer and blessing of His
Eminence Bishop Galstanian.

Women’s Guild Central Council Meeting was held in Toronto

On June 26, 2004 the Women’s Guild Central Council meeting was held
under the auspices and presence of His Eminence Bishop Bagrat
Galstanian. During the meeting, discussions focused on the role and
the mission of Women in the Armenian Church. Upon the instruction of
His Eminence future plans and projects were formulated to revitalize
the Women’s Guilds of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada.

Regional representatives were appointed as follows: Mrs. Rima
Derderian, Mrs. Verjin Assadourian (Ottawa, Montreal, Laval). Mrs
Sofi Kuzuian, Mrs Diana Boghossian (Ontario), Mrs. Rita Mushluyan, Mrs
Aida Bardekjian (Vancouver).

Eelection of the executive was held and the results were as follows:
Mrs. Louisa Kerim (Honorary Chairperson)
Mrs. Sofi Kuzuyan (Chairperson)
Mrs. Hasmig Met (Vice Chairperson)
Mrs Rita Mushluyan (Secretary)
Mrs Ani Chavoushian (Vice Secretary)
Mrs Diana Boghossian (Communications Secretary)
Mrs Rosemary Tanielian (Treasurer)
Mrs Pergrouhi Meremetci (Vice Treasurer)

Divan of the Diocese

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