Armenian Foreign Minister to visit Russia on July 5-7

ITAR-TASS News Agency
July 2, 2004 Friday

Armenian Foreign Minister to visit Russia on July 5-7

By Syuzanna Adamiants, Alexandra Urusova


Armenian Foreign Minister Vardan Oskanian will visit Russia on July
5-7, a source at the Russian Foreign Ministry’s information department
told Itar-Tass on Friday.

Oskanian is expected to meet with the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei
Lavrov, and the chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS affairs and
ties with compatriots, Andrei Kokoshin.

The two parties will focus on cooperation in the CIS format, including
in the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO) and the Eurasian
Economic Community (EurAsEC). They will also discuss pooling the two
foreign ministry’s efforts to improve the situation in the North

“The Nagorno-Karabakh problem will be of special attention,” the source
said. “Russia is ready to help settle the conflict and take on the role
of a guarantor to an agreement the two parties will come to.”

Russia and Armenia will also touch upon the development of trade,
economic, cultural and humanitarian cooperation.