Armenian PM calls for political accord in holiday address

Armenian PM calls for political accord in holiday address

Noyan Tapan news agency
5 Jul 04


“In adopting the constitution in 1995, our state and people showed the
civilized world our country’s readiness and determination to follow
the path of integration, of strengthening democratic values and of
creating a civil society,” Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Markaryan
says in his Constitution Day congratulatory message.

The prime minister said that over recent years the constitution had
enabled the establishment of an independent state in very difficult
conditions and had also guaranteed the country’s internal and external
stability. “However, life moves on, new realities make their demands
of society and the state, which of course should be fixed in the basic
law.” Andranik Markaryan notes the importance of constitutional
reforms being made in an atmosphere of political accord and says that
they should be completely accepted and supported by society. The prime
minister is convinced that, only if this is the case, “will the
Constitution of the Republic of Armenia fulfil its main role in
ensuring the well-being of citizens, defending the human rights and
freedoms of citizens in accordance with universal principles and
norms, and will it enable the fulfilment of pan-national dreams and

In the address, sent by the government’s press service to Noyan Tapan
news agency, Andranik Markaryan expresses his certainty that “as a
result of reforms put into action by joint efforts, we will at the end
have a constitution which will be the main guarantor of our state’s