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BAKU: MP calls for Euro sanctions against Armenia at Scottish talks

Azeri MP calls for European sanctions against Armenia at Scottish talks

ANS TV, Baku
5 Jul 04

[Presenter] The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagornyy Karabakh
is currently being discussed at a session of the OSCE Parliamentary
Assembly in Scotland today. The assembly’s chairman and
secretary-general are now delivering their reports.

[Correspondent over video of the building of the OSCE Parliamentary
Assembly] The 13th annual session of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
has opened in Scotland’s Edinburgh. The session is entitled
“Cooperation and Partnership: Coping with New Security Threats”.

A report by the special representative of the OSCE Parliamentary
Assembly on Nagornyy Karabakh, Goran Lennmarker, was discussed jointly
by the Armenian and Azerbaijani delegations, Sattar Safarov, a member
of the Azerbaijani delegation, told ANS.

[Safarov, on the phone] The report said that [Azerbaijan’s] occupied
lands should be liberated and cleared of mines. Refugees and displaced
persons should return to their lands. It denounced aggression and
ethnic separatism. We started to discuss these issues. The
Parliamentary Assembly should impose economic and political sanctions
against the aggressor state.

[Correspondent] The Armenian side had its own arguments.

[Safarov] In support of their position, Armenia’s representatives said
that Karabakh was made part of Azerbaijan in the past. The talks were
proceeding very seriously. The Armenian side tried to justify their
aggressive policy. In turn, we criticized Armenia’s aggressive stance.

[Correspondent] The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly chairman and
secretary-general delivered their reports after the discussions [as

Afat Telmanqizi, ANS.

Badalian Vardan:
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