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Margelov on CFE ratification

Pravda, Russia
July 7 2004

Margelov on CFE ratification

18:34 2004-07-07
The Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty (CFE) ratified on Wednesday
by the Federation Council (upper house of parliament) allows Russia
to preserve military presence in Armenia and Ukraine, Federation
Council international committee head Mikhail Margelov told RIA

“The treaty complicates disguised and quick deployment of combined
arms groups and hinders starting the so-called classic wars on
European territory,” he said.

Speaking about the ratified CFE, Margelov said the document envisages
mutual inspections and consultations of the countries that joined it,
which provides a possibility to develop military cooperation between
Russia and NATO.

Speaking on the delay in Baltic states’ accession to the adapted CFE,
Margelov said this situation “will fix the existence in Europe of the
so-called gray zones.” This, in the Russian senator’s opinion, “will
testify to NATO’s intention to build up armaments directly on Russian
borders,” which will provoke a relevant reaction of Moscow and entail

Mikhail Margelov concluded that Russia is interested in the adapted
CFE and expects from its Western partners and neighbors loyalty to
European security principles.

Maghakian Mike:
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