BAKU: Meeting of Aliyev and Musharraf in enlarged staff

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
July 8 2004

[July 08, 2004, 18:56:58]

After the private meeting, President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and
President of Pakistan Pervez Musharraf had a meeting in the enlarged

President of Azerbaijan greeted the guests once again, thanked for
acceptance of invitation to visit the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The bilateral relations between our countries have a sufficient
speed, President Ilham Aliyev underlined. It pleases us. In 1996,
national leader of Azerbaijan people Heydar Aliyev have visited
Pakistan. After that visit the links between the two countries have
gained quick development. Pakistan and Azerbaijan always support each
other in the international arena and successfully cooperate.
President thanked for the support Pakistan renders to Azerbaijan
Republic. Today, they are successfully developing both in political
and economic-cultural fields. I am especially grateful for support in
the Armenia-Azerbaijan, Nagorny Karabakh conflict.

In the economic field, we have nice prospects and we have already
discussed this. The intergovernmental commission work fruitfully and
I am hopeful that they will receive boost after this visit.

Of course, we have strong cooperation in the humanitarian sphere. Our
peoples have mutual respect and considerations. I am convinced that
after this visit, the friendly relations will further deepen and
strengthen, the President said.

Once again I welcome you. I would like to express my confidence that
after this visit the relations between our countries will develop in
all fields.


In the enlarged meeting, in his reciprocal speech, expressing his
gratitude to the head of Azerbaijan state, President of Pakistan
Pervez Musharraf said the two countries have the same position
related to many problems. WE are pleased with your hospitality and
warm reception.

In the private meeting with President Ilham Aliyev we have arrived in
common conclusion. We have common interests in political, economic
and others fields.

Basing on the common roots, I consider we must increase the trade
relations as well.

In the field of defense we have also similar and common interests and
we should expand cooperation in this field. There is a great
potential in the oil-gas sector. We shall benefit from experience of
Azerbaijani oilmen. Cooperation in education and data exchange is
another direction of our mutual action and I think we shall
strengthen co-op and in this field, President Pervez Musharraf


Then were signing the bilateral documents. Prior to signing ceremony,
President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of Pakistan Pervez
Musharraf signed joint Declaration. The signed documents included
agreement on cooperation on tourism, customs and mutual assistance,
combat against illegal circulation of narcotics and psychotropic
substances, cooperation in combat against international terrorism and
organized crime.

In the singing ceremony presenting were deputy prime minister of
Azerbaijan Yagub Eyyubov, Pakistani ambassador in Baku Mohammad
Hafiz, ambassador of Azerbaijan in Islamabad Eynulla Madatli.


As was stated, the enlarged meeting was followed by a joint news
conference. President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and President of
Pakistan Pervez Musharraf exchanged statements. Then, President Ilham
Aliyev hosted a banquet in honor of President of Pakistan Pervez