Categories: News

Gibrahayer – July 8, 2004

http: //gibrahayer.cyprusnewsletter.com

Archbishop Hergelian and the Armenian community of Nicosia greet the flame
as it crosses Armenia Avenue at 5:30 p.m.

July 8, 2004 (CNA/Gibrahayer) – The Olympic Torch has arrived in Cyprus,
final stop in its long journey back to Athens.

The plane ”Zeus”, carrying the Olympic Tor ch landed at Paphos
International airport at 8:30 a.m. where it received a red carpet welcome,
normally accorded to heads of state. It was then placed on a sailing boat
just outside Paphos International Airport and arrived at Paphos Harbour an
hour later where the official celebrations began.

The Torch then followed a route covering literally all government controlled
areas of Cyprus, through many communities and past many of the island’s
great landmarks and locations, before arriving at its final destination in
the centre of Nicosia.

The Torch arrived in Nicosia at 4:45 p.m. and headed west on Armenia Avenue
an hour later where hundreds were waiting to get a glimpse of it.

Archbishop Hergelian greeted the Torch at the entrance of the Armenian
Prelature where many Armenian Cypriot residents of Armenia Avenue had

The gathered crowds chanted and app lauded the Olympic Torch Relay

Ceremonies continued on Thursday night at the Presidential Palace and at
D’Avila Moat. The relay continued its journey into Larnaca on Friday.


Nicosia July 7: (Gibrahayer) – 80-1 outsiders Greece, won the Euro 2004
Football tournament in style, sending an entire nation into an extended
state of delirium.

They knocked out host nations Portugal twice, once in the opening game and
once in the final. They ousted European and world champions France in the
quarters, broke the winning streak of the Czechs in the semi-finals and
completed their Hudini act last Sunday against Portugal by 1-0.

The celebrations across Greece, Cyprus and the entire diaspora are still
going on and the world remains dumbfounded in front of the
near-to-impossible achievement.

On Monday the new European Champions were welcomed by more than three
million Athenians who took the streets to see their new Gods. In the
celebrations that followed at the Panathinaikos Stadium, the champions and
their coach Otto Rehhagel were decorated by the Mayor of Athens, the
Ministry of Sports and the Greek Orthodox Church of Greece.


04/07/2004Â AFP ANKARA – Turkish Kurd rebels hiding in northern Iraq are
rearming and1,500 of them have crossed into Turkey to engage in violence,
CNN-Turk television said Sunday, citing an intelligence report.
According to the report, the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), known
also as KONGRA-GEL, had purchased weapons worth 1.7 million dollars from
unknown sources in Iraq, Iran and Armenia in the past year and had
intensified military training for members in camps in northern Iraq,
CNN-Turk said on its web site.
The increased activity was thought to be a preparation for a possible
military operation against the group by Turkey or the United States, both of
whom view the PKK as a “terrorist” organization.
Ankara has repeatedly urged Washington to take action against PKK rebels in
neighboring northern Iraq since last October, when the two countries agreed
on an action plan, including military measures, against the PKK.
Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan repeated the call during talks
with US President George W. Bush in Ankara last week.
The Turkish authorities estimate that about 5,000 PKK militants have taken
refuge in northern Iraq since 1999, when the group announced a unilateral
truce with the government following a call for peace by its jailed leader,
Abdullah Ocalan.
The rebels ended the ceasefire on June 1 this year.
CNN-Turk quoted the intelligence report as saying that 1,500 armed militants
had infiltrated Turkey in the past six months.
The PKK has been blamed for a recent series of deadly attacks on Turkish
security forces in mainly Kurdish southeast Turkey, bordering northern Iraq,
including the mining of roads.
On July 2, officials accused the group of carrying out a car bomb attack on
a convoy carrying the governor of Van province, which killed three people
and wounded 25 others.
The PKK waged a bloody 15-year campaign for self-rule in Turkey’s
predominantly Kurdish southeast between 1984 and 1999. The conflict has
claimed some 37,000 lives.
The southeast enjoyed relative calm during the ceasefire period and Ankara
improved the cultural rights of the Kurdish minority in a bid to boost
Turkey’s chances of being allowed to join the European Union.


Nicosia, Jul 5 (CNA) — Cyprus and Armenia signed today an interstate
cooperation agreement in the fields of health and medicine. Cyprus Minister
of Health Constantina Akkelidou and Armenia’s Ambassador to Cyprus Vahram
Kazhoyan signed the agreement.


Cypriot writer Nouritza Matossian, writer of the life of Arshile Gorky
presented her one-woman show in Bolis. which received excellent comments
from the local and Armenian (Agos) press during her visit where she gave a
lecture and did excerpts from show. Enclosed her interview in the local
press in Turkish.

Araþtýrmacý yazar Nouritsa Matossian, geçmiþteki köklerin sanatçýlarý
yakýndan etkilediðini düþünüyor ve VanlýManug’un izini sürüyor
Arshile Gorky’nin gizemi
Kýsa bir tatil için Ã=9Dstanbul’a gelen – Amerikan sürrealizminin tetikçisi
Ermeni asýllý ünlü ressam Arshile Gorky’nin yaþamýný ve sanatýný anlatan
`Black Angel’ adlý kitabýn yazarý – NouritzaMatossian, gazetemizi ziyaret
etti. Atom Egoyan’ýn kitaptan etkilenerek Gorky karakterini Ararat filmine
taþýdýðýný söyleyen Matossian, bizleriçalýþmalarý hakkýnda bilgilendirerek,
Arshile Gorky’nin gizemli yaþamýný bu kez AGOS okurlarýyla paylaþtý.
РNeden Arshile Gorky? Sizi bu uzun yolculu̡a iten neydi?
N. MATOSSIAN – Arshile Gorky’nin eserleriyle ilk karþýlaþtýðýmda henüz genç
bir üniversite öðrencisiydim. Sanatla yakýndan ilgileniyordum. Ã=9Dlk anda
anlayamadýðým þaþýrtýcý duygularla sarsýldým. Kara gözlü bu esmer adam beni
son derece etkilemiþti. Ermeni olduðunu bilmiyordum. Fakat görüntüsü
ailemden birini andýrýr gibiydi… Ã=9Dnanmayacaksýnýz o anda bir Ermeni soluðu
hissettim… Ben Kýbrýslýyým, anneannem Kayserili, babam Antepli, Birinci
Dünya Savaþý’nýn öncesinde göç etmiþler Anadolu’dan… Yaþlý ninemin
anýlarý, tüm anlatýlanlar, ailem, çocukluðum bir anda herþey yeniden
canlandý. O coþkuyla ressam hakkýnda bilgi aramaya koyuldum.Kýsa bir yazý
iliþti gözüme, yaklaþtým, okudum… Ve o yazýtokat gibi patladý yüzümde…
Yanýlmamýþtým! Gerçek adýnýn Vostanik Manug Adoyan olduðu, Van’da doðduðu,
sonradan Amerika’ya göçettiði kýsa bir notla belirtilmiþti. Ã=9Dþte o an
araþtýrmacý ruhumun kabardýðýný hissettim.
– Gorky kitabýnýz nasýl oluþtu? more

Dear Friends, two new articles are added in website.
They are: Nmanutyun Hisus Qristosi, Girk A. Saghmosneri Meknutyune

The previously added articles are:

Yete mi enker unes  Prktchi Mayre  Anmah Hayrer
Avetaranakan Yeranutyunnere Parisezin u Maxavore
Amenayn Srboz Sere vaxtchan chuni Khosqin havatarim, Masn A.
Khosqin havatarim, Masn B. Khosqin havatarim, Masn C.
Khosqin havatarim, Masn D.  Zisagitutyun, Masn 01 Mankan xndranq
Mashtoz Vahe Lazaryan mashtoz@mashtoz.org  Â

– Armenian forces in Nagorno-Karabakh territory detained an Azerbaijani
soldier, Gusein Aidyn of Baku, who crossed into Armenian positions.

– Repercussions of a earthquake in eastern Turkey that destroyed houses,
killing 18 people and injuring 21 more on Friday, measured 5.1 Richter in
Turkey and 3 in Armenia.

– Azeri foreign ministry issued a statement yesterday condemning a US
decision to provide 5 million dollars to Nagorno Karabagh as part of its
assistance to foreign countries.

– 34.9 million dollars will be allocated for defence expenditure in
Azerbaijan constituting 2.3 per cent of the GDP.

– A worker was killed and seven others received injuries when a tank holding
sulphuric acid expl oded on Wednesday at an Armenian power station.

– A small X-32 agricultural plane crashed while surveying forests outside
the Agveran village Wednesday in northeastern Armenia, killing the pilot.

g i b r a h a y  c a l e n d a r

– THE TEKEYAN YOUTH MOVEMENT OF CYPRUS is organizing a unique excursion to
Armenia, 7-14 August. Participants will exclusively be Armenian youth (ages
13 to 35) from all over the world. The one-week programme is specially
organized to include an optimum amount of sightseeing, led by expert guides.
Trips to Shushi, Stepanakert, Noravank, Gladzor, Lake Sevan, Dilidjan, Barz
Lidj, Khor Virab, St. Etchmiadzin, Zvartnots, Sartarabad, Garni, Keghart,
Dzidzernagapert are included in the meticulously prepared programme. Lodging
will be at the “Lousakert” Hotel, 20 kilometres North of Yerevan, ideally
situated in an orchard. The hotel rooms are fully equipped with all the
necessary facilities. The price of the WHOLE PACKAGE, including FULL BOARD,
all the excursions, transfers from and to the airport, return air fare from
Cyprus and visa to Armenia is only 335 Cyprus pounds. Those interested
should immediately call 99747798 or 99929343, as availability is very

– Khanasor and Lisbon 5 Expeditions commemoration at Troodos Picnicsite of
“Kampos tou Livadhiou” on Sunday July 25, 2004, organised by AYMA,
Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus Committee, The Armenian National Committee of Cyprus,
AYF, Larnaca and Limassol Armenian Clubs, Hamazkayin and ARS (HOM) Cyprus
Chapters. Hayer hishek nviragan ayn ore, Houlis amsoun ksanhinkin gadaretsek
mer done. Commemorative Programme begins at 12:00 noon.

– The Armenian Youth Federation is organising its Annual Summer Camp at the
Camp Site of Morphou Prelature from 9-15 August 2004. To receive more
information or to register please contact the following: Nareg Tavitian,
Nora Sarian or Simon Aynedjian.

– A Tour to Armenia is being organised by the Central Executive of
Hamazkayin from August 20-September 3, 2004 with the participation of
members and friends from Armenian diaspora communities. Trips to Karabagh
are also scheduled. To receive more info and to apply for the trip please
contact the Cyprus Hamazkayin committee members immediately.

– HAMAZKAYIN FORUM 2004 The 10th Forum, Lebanon:From July 12-18 (Optional)
Armenia: From July 19-31, 2004. Thought provoking lectures, trips to
historic and amazing destinations, and nights of dancing and entertainment
are only some of the Forum highlights. For many Armenian students across the
globe, the Hamazkayin Summer Forum is one of the most anticipated events of
the year. Those interested should visit the website for more details on how
to apply.

– The Armenian Prelature of Cyprus announces that the next permit for the
Armenian Cemetery visitation at Ayios Dhometios on the Green line, is
scheduled for Sunday 11 July, 2004.

– The Armenian Youth Federation has organised three events for Armenian
Cypriot youth for the month of July as follows: Limassol outing on Monday
July 12. Weekend in Ayia Napa on 17-18 July and Beach Party on Saturday July
31. Details to follow from the pages of Gibrahayer e-newsletter.

– POSTPONED The Annual General Meeting of The Hamazkayin Cultural and
Educational Association “Oshakan” Cyprus Chapter has been postponed for
Tuesday September 14, 2004.

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disseminating news & posting upcoming events about the Armenian community of
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Karakhanian Suren:
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