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PM, EU commish discuss new neighborhood policy

July 8 2004


YEREVAN, JULY 8, ARMENPRESS: Armenian prime minister Andranik
Margarian conferred today with Janez Potocnik, a junior commissioner
for a new EU member state, Slovenia, who works with the enlargement
commissioner, Guenter Verheugen. The latter is charge of the EU’s
“new neighborhood” program, which offers closer ties to some EU
neighbors. Potocnik is touring the South Caucasus countries to
emphasize the EU’s renewed interest in these three countries.
Prime minister Margarian was quoted by the government’s press
office as saying that the visit is important in the context of EU’s
New Neighborhood Policy, extended recently to the three South
Caucasian countries. Margarian reiterated Armenia’s willingness to
build its relationships with Europe based on its values and
fundamental principles, which he said stem from Armenians’ interests.
He said a special task force was set up to develop the National Plan
of Actions for implementation of Partnership and Cooperation
Agreement between Armenia and the EU.
Potocnik said: “The next steps are to consider the possibility of
setting up a so-called action plan with Armenia, Azerbaijan and
Georgia – setting the reform priorities they should address. And, on
our side, offering an approximation with the European Union.” That,
according to him, could eventually — but in the longer term — lead
very far toward a share in the internal market, for instance, or
alignment with several EU policies, like environment or energy and
transport networks.” He said the EU is prepared to assist these
countries to reform all sectors of life.
Both sides agreed also that unless the regional conflicts are
resolved no complete integration with Europe is possible, adding also
that establishment of normal relations among all the countries of
region will give a substantial boost to economy and trade

Hovhannisian John:
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