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BAKU: EU to promote settlement of NK conflict

Azer Tag, Azerbaijan State Info Agency
July 10 2004

[July 10, 2004, 11:13:49]

On July 8, special representative of the European Union on Southern
Caucasus Heike Talvitie held a news conference in the embassy of the
French Republic in Baku.

As correspondent of AzerTAj informs the ambassador of France in
Azerbaijan Roland Blatman, in his opening remarks has presented
participants of the special representative of the European Union.

Mr. Heiki Talvitie has told journalists: `My activity as the
representative of the European Union (EU) in Nagorny Karabakh, in
zone of the conflict is the most important question for the parties.
Co-chairmen of the Minsk Group are engaged in settlement of the
problem. My task consists in rendering assistance to the parties and
co-chairmen. I shall render the parties of the conflict the feasible
assistance depending on what ways of settlement of the Nagorny
Karabakh problem they prefer. Now, between the parties there are new
moments. Though the last years were ineffectual, nevertheless,
co-chairmen of the Minsk Group have done significant work. I want to
repeat particularly: `All will depend on trust of the sides. For us,
it is very important to create trust between the sides, and the EU is
ready to arrange in this direction. Certainly, if after settlement
certain move will be achieved we can carry out rehabilitation. The EU
will operate more actively. The general idea of my visit consists in
it. I shall go to Nagorny Karabakh not as the tourist, and for
realization of the mission.

Finally, Mr. Heike Talvitie has answered questions of media

Yeghisabet Arthur:
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