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BAKU: CIS official calls on Georgia for peace efforts in So. Ossetia

CIS official calls on Georgia for peace efforts in South Ossetia

ANS TV, Baku
11 Jul 04

Presenter CIS Executive Secretary Vladimir Rushaylo who has arrived in
Baku on a visit has declined to comment on the
Georgian-Ossetian-Russian conflict. Rushaylo, who was recently
appointed CIS executive secretary, is visiting CIS countries and
holding consultations.

Correspondent over video of Rushaylo and other Azerbaijani officials
During a two-day visit to Baku, CIS Executive Secretary Rushaylo will
hold consultations with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Prime
Minister Artur Rasizada and Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov. He
said it is important to define the main directions of the CIS
countries’ activities and priorities. Before visiting Baku, the
delegation led by Rushaylo finished its work in Central Asia.

Passage omitted: Rushaylo’s meetings with Central Asian leaders

Rushaylo, who has arrived in Baku as CIS executive secretary for the
first time, answered questions about the Georgian-Ossetian-Russian
conflict at Heydar Aliyev airport. He said that conflicts could be
resolved only in a diplomatic way. According to him, it is more
expedient at the current stage that the Georgian leadership takes this
path. Rushaylo said that the region had many hotbeds of tension and he
did not want them to increase further.

Rushaylo speaking to microphone in Russian with Azerbaijani voice-over
I think we have enough post-conflict and conflict areas. I see no need
to create new trouble zones. Moreover, there are peacekeeping forces
and their work should be stepped up. For this reason, all sides to the
conflict should resolve the conflict politically.

Correspondent Asked about Russia’s interference in Georgia’s internal
affairs, Rushaylo declined to answer this question.

Rushaylo As an international official and Russian citizen, I will not
access Russia’s steps. I think this is not my authority.

Corespondent To recap, Rushaylo will go from Azerbaijan to Armenia and
then to Georgia.

Rasad Mammadov and Ramil Huseynov, ANS.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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