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OSCE envoys come to Armenia without new proposals on Karabakh

ITAR-TASS News Agency
July 14, 2004 Wednesday

OSCE envoys come to Armenia without new proposals on Karabakh

By Tigran Liloyan


Representatives of the Minsk Group for settling the conflict in
Nagorny Karabakh reporting to the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe told a news conference here Wednesday they had
not brought along with them any new proposals on how to settle the
conflict dragging on since late 1980’s.

The diplomats addressed the correspondents at the outcome of meetings
on the problem, but refrained from disclosing any details citing
confidentiality of the talks.

“We believe the sides must not waste time away, and actions must be
taken right now,” said the Russian envoy Yuri Merzlyakov.

“The sides are now working on the agenda of future talks in the light
of changes in the situation after elections in Azerbaijan,” he said.

Merzlyakov had to admit, however, there was nothing new at sight.

Steven Mann, a U.S. envoy, said solution of the problem was highly
dependent on contingent on the stance that Armenia and Azerbaijan
would take, and the Minsk Group could only help them tap the
practical solutions.

The sides will be the brunt of responsibility for decision-making,
and the OSCE leaves it up to them to decide who should take part in
the talks, Mann said.

The French envoy, Henri Jacolin, said the talks would definitely take
some time, since one or two meeting would by no means suffice to
untangle of conflict like the one in Nagorny Karabakh.

He also warned that there was no external force, including the Minsk
Group that could possibly offer a miraculous solution to the Karabakh

Jacolin stressed the European Union’s great interest in a peaceful
settlement of the dragged-out conflict and general stability in
Southern Caucasus, in the light of which the Europeans were closely
watching the progress of talks on Karabakh.

The EU is ready to take part in rehabilitation, social and economic
development of the region after the conflict is settled, Jacolin

Kajoyan Gevork:
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