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`Tsaig’ Gumri TV company is fined for 100,000 drams

Noyan Tapan, Armenia
July 9 2004

`Tsaig’ Gumri TV company is fined for 100,000 drams

The National Committee for TV and Radio made a decision at its July 8
meeting to fine `Tsaig’ JSC for 100,000 drams (180 US dollars). As a
result of monitoring conducted by the Committee it was revealed that
`Tsaig’ TV company has violated the demands of the second part of
Article #10 of the Law on TV and Radio. On May 31 and June 14 the TV
company retranslated show `Windows’ of the Russian TNT TV company.
`Tsaig’ did not signed proper agreement on translation of foreign
The company has to pay the penalty within 15 days after decision is

Tamamian Anna:
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