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A Scientific Conference Dedicated to Grigor Narekatsi Held in Moscow


29 July 2004

A scientific conference under the title “Grigor Narekatsi and medieval
spiritual culture of Armenian” was held at the Institute of Literature
after Gorky in Moscow on July 23-24. Nine scientists from the Armenian
Academy of Sciences and seven scientists from Russia participated. In
his interview to Azg Daily Avik Isahakian, Dr. of philology, noted
that for the first time in the history they attempted to view Grigor
Narekatsi in the context of medieval spiritual culture. The report of
Alexander Kudelin, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
vice-president of the institute, was singled out for the profound
knowledge of the epoch and the material itself. In her report called
“Narekatsi and the great Ukrainian enlightener Grigoris Skovoroda”
Prof. Nina Nadiarnikh tried to give a comparative analysis of the
thinkers, find the common humanitarian, progressive and other features
in the works of the two.

Olga Sazonova’s report “The thought in the Eastern Europe in the early
middle ages. Narekatsi and Hilarion” depicted Narekatsi as someone
having the first ideas of world and faith in his works.

Father Danila, Russian Orthodox priest, approached Narekatsi’s
poemfrom a modern perspective. The author of the last translation of
Narekatsiâ=80=99s poem Vladimir Mikushevich presented all difficulties
connected with the translation and shared with his encouragements of
the work.

>From Armenia there were scientists Zaven Avetisian, Knarik Davtian,
Elena Aleksanian, Levon Chukaszian, Magda Djanpoladian, Azat
Eghiazarian. The latter presented an interesting observation into the
similarities of the Armenian epos “David of Sasoun” and Narekatsi’s

All the reports proceeded from comparative literature. Avik Isahakian
in his report called “Character of the poet in Isahakian’s â=80=98Abu
Lala Mahari’ and Narekatsi’s â=80=98Mournful Songs'” presented
philosophical peculiarities and similarities that the two poets
share. The Arabian poet and Narekatsi had almost the same denying
attitude towards the world, men, love, power and other.

By the end of the conference the presidents of the two institutes
signed an agreement of mutual cooperation in the field of publishing,
postgraduate students’ exchange and in other spheres.

The Armenian community was actively involved in the conference. The
Gorky institute’s interest in Grigor Narekatsi was obvious.

By Melania Badalian

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