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Azeri Politologists Against Concessions by Azerbaijan in Karabakh


YEREVAN, JULY 28. ARMINFO. The Azeri public and government will reject
any appeals by OSCE Minsk Group for concessions on the part of
Azerbaijan, says the representative of the New Azerbaijan party Aydyn

Commenting on the statement by the OSCE MG US co-chair that Azerbaijan
and Armenia should be ready to concessions Mirzazade says that Mann
knows the region better than the other two co-chairs and one should
not neglect a statement by such a man. However Mirzazade excludes the
possibility of territorial concessions on Azerbaijan’s part “otherwise
the world will witness the beginning of a negative tradition.” So
Mann’s statements should not be addressed to Azerbaijan but to
Armenia. It turns out that for MG the rights of 50,000 Armenians of
Karabakh are superior to those of 8 mln Azeris, says Mirzazade.

Politologist Eldar Namazov says that one should clarify the compromise
issue once and for all. He says that MG, international organizations
and Armenia resort to political speculations in the issue. Azerbaijan
has already offered the Karabakh Armenians a high autonomy status and
there can be no bigger compromise.

The director of the Center of Political Innovations and Technologies
Mubariz Ajgmedoglu says that Azerbaijan has already exhausted the
limit of concessions and any further ones would go against the
international law. The OSCE mediation is near total failure – there
are two ways out: mutual concessions and common positions which will
give MG the moral right to continue its mediatiion – or on the eve of
the OSCE Summit MG should raise the issue for enhancing its status and
enlarging its powers.

Karagyozian Lena:
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