Liabilities of Banking System Decrease by 1.4% in Q2 ’04


YEREVAN, JULY 28. ARMINFO. Total liabilities of the country’s banking
system, decreased by 1.4% in the second quarter of 2004, making up
255.2 bln drams by July 1, 2004. It was accounted for by a decline in
a number of indicators in the structure of liabilities, the
press-service of the Armenian Central Bank told ARMINFO

In particular, the liabilities to banks and other financial
orgnaizations totaled 33.8 bln drams, decreasing by 19.7%. At the same
time, a 36.7 per cent growth was fixed on the funds on correspondent
accounts, which reached 5.4 bln drams. Liabilities to the Government
decreased by 3.1% in the quarter under review, totaling 12.8 bln
drams. Fixed deposits of natural persons decreased by 2.3%, totaling
50.9 bln drams, while fixed deposits of legal entities increased by
5.5%, reaching 26.9 bln drams. Call liabilities increased by 2.4%
totaling 114.2 bln drams. Other liabilities increased by 15.4%,
reaching 15.3 bln drams. The paid interests increased by 1.8%,
reaching 1.3 bln drams.

According to the ranking of Armenian’s commercial banks drawn up by
ARMINFO news agency, in the first half of 2004 the liabilities of 14
commercial banks increased, the highest growth was fixed on 3 banks,
including Artsakhbank (48%). As to the remaining 5 banks, liabilities
decreased, with one bank showing the lowest indicator.

The results of the activity of the banking system, on June 30, 2004,
were summed up on the basis of data of 19 normally operating banks,
the CB press-service reports.