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Ararat Summer Youth Camp Committee Meeting w/Participants, Friends

Armenian Holy Apostolic Church Canadian Diocese
Contact; Deacon Hagop Arslanian, Assistant to the Primate
615 Stuart Avenue, Outremont Quebec H2V 3H2
Tel; 514-276-9479, Fax; 514-276-9960
Email; adiocese@aol.com Website;

Ararat Summer Youth Camp Committee Meeting with Participants, Families
and Friends

On Wednesday July 28, 2004 the organizing committee of the Diocesan
Ararat Summer Camp met with the participants, families and friends of
2004 Ararat Camp at Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of Toronto.

His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian presided over the
meeting. Present were the pastor of St Vartan Armenian Church of
Mississauga Rev Fr Komitas Mirzakhanyan, Director of Ararat Summer
Camp, as well as participants, parents and friends.

The meeting opened with prayer conducted by Rev Fr Komitas
Mirzakhanyan, who then presented the schedule and the programs for
this year. Fr Komitas thanked His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian
for the care and attention he has shown towards the Ararat Summer Camp
project. New requests were submitted to the Director to be considered
during the organization of 2005 Ararat Summer Camp.

Upon the directive and instruction of His Eminence Bishop Bagrat
Galstanian, Primate, the Diocesan Summer Camp committee has organized
the 2004 Ararat Summer Youth Camp from August 9-14 at Woodland Trails
Conservation Area.

His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian back in Montreal

His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of the Armenian Church
Canadian Diocese arrived in Montreal, Canada, on Monday July 26 at
Trudeau International Airport.

During his ten days visit to the Mother See of Holy Etchmiadzin His
Eminence met with His Holiness Karekin II Catholicos and Supreme
Patriarch of All Armenians. His Eminence then joined the St Sahag-St
Mesrob Saturday school participants who visited Armenia. Bishop
Galstanian also visited the premises where the Canadian Youth Mission
to Armenia are implementing their mission currently. Upon his arrival
Bishop Galstanian revised the schedule for the month of August during
which he will be presiding over many meetings.

We wish and pray that God grant him good health to continue the
pursuit of his objectives with a great enthusiasm.

A Princely Donation to the Armenian Church Canadian Diocese

In response to an appeal by His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian,
Primate of the Canadian Diocese, an anonymous benefactor, a devout
believer and supporter of the spiritual mission of the Mother See of
Holy Etchmiadzin and of the Armenian Holy Apostolic Church, has
graciously donated the princely sum of 200.000 US dollars. The
donation is intended to promote the spiritual and national missions of
the Diocese and to foster the realization of many new projects.

This generous donation will permit to rekindle youth programs, as well
as educational and more specifically, spiritual projects.

For the past twenty years, under the auspices of the Mother See of
Holy Etchmiadzin, the Diocese of the Armenian Church of Canada has
been serving the faithful of the Armenian Church by advancing
spiritual, cultural and educational enrichment.

On behalf of the Primate of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of
Canada, the Diocesan Council, the clergy and the faithful, we extend
our heartfelt gratitude and pray that Almighty God protect and grant
good health and longlife to the noble benefactor.

St Sahag-St Mesrob Saturday School Students are back from Motherland

It is with deep spiritual joy and prayers of gratitude to Almighty God
that we announce to the faithful of the Armenian Church Canadian
Diocese that the St Sahag-St Mesrob Saturday school students are back
in Toronto, Canada. They arrived to Toronto at Pearson International
Airport on July 29, 2004 where they were greeted by His Eminence
Bishop Bagrat Galstanian, Primate of Canada and Arch Rev Father Zareh
Zargarian, Pastor of the Holy Trinity Armenian Church, Toronto and
parents/friends. The Group was thrilled to see His Eminence andRev
Father Zareh receive them at the airport.

Serpazan has already joined the group in Armenia to many of the trips
and outings with the students. While in Armenia His Eminence Bagrat
Serpazan arranged for the group to be at the Mother See of Holy
Etchmiadzin and had a formal meeting with His Holiness Karekin II on
July 18, 2004.. On behalf of the Students and the Teachers the
Chairperson of the HTAC St Sahag and St Mesrob Saturday School Board
of Trustees, Ashkhen Shishmanian, presented His Holiness with a
ceramic plate specially designed and handcrafted for this
occasion. His Holiness blessed the group and presented each one with a

After the meeting they attended the Holy Badarak and received Holy
Communion and also visited the museum in the Veharan with His Eminence
Bagrat Serpazan. Serpazan also guided the students to the museum at
the Holy Etchmiadzin to see the Pagan relics on which the Main Alter

The students were so impressed that they paid another visit another
day just to see the Holy Etchmiadzin Church and have spiritual time
privately. Serpazan also met with the students and CYMA at
Saghmosavank where they stayed for three hours and special lunch was
served. Also the group and Cyma with the arrangement of the Serpazan
visited the Nork Hayortyatz Doun where a special cultural program was
presented by one hundred young professionals.

All the students and the teachers thank His Eminence Bishop Bagrat
Galstanian, Primate for his pastoral guidance, attention and special
care that he had shown for each and everyone during their stay in the

First Annual Armenian Youth Pilgrimage to St Catharine’s

The oldest and the first Armenian Apostolic Church in Canada,
St. Gregory the Illuminator Armenian Apostolic Church of
St. Catharine’s, On. will be hosting the first Annual Armenian Youth

His Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanian will join the pilgrims from
Montreal, Laval, Toronto and Ottawa at this historic event that will
take place starting Saturday, August 14th in the evening and continue
on Sunday, August 15th with the 74th Annual “Blessing of the Grapes”
Holy Badarak and traditional Picnic.

St. Vartan Summer Day Camp 2004

On the morning of July 12, 2004 a group of 25 Armenian children (aged
3- 8 years) gathered at Fogolar’s Country Club in Oakville. They were
there to participate in the week long St. Vartan Summer Day Camp under
the leadership of Reverend Father Komitas Mirzakhanyan, Pastor of
St. Vartan Armenian Church of Mississauga. During the week the campers
participated in a variety of activities, each day having its own theme
(e.g. Armenian Alphabet, Holy Badarak, Armenia, and “I am special”). A
variety of hand-crafts were worked out by the children, including a
mosaic of Etchmiadzin, a Pourvar and Armenian flag magnets, among
others. The children also participated in games like Armenian Bingo,
learned Armenian traditional shoorch-bar and singing Armenian
songs. The children were also given the chance to play soccer and to

The camp wrapped up on Friday with an exhibition of crafts, a slide
show from the camp and a performance for the parents. The campers sang
the beautiful Hye Menank and Ayp ou Pen songs which they had learned
over the past week. The campers also recited the Lord’s Prayer, Hayr
Mer to open the show.

Such a camp was a major undertaking for the St. Vartan Mississauga
parish and could not have been possible without the contribution of
time and money of various individuals.

Thank you to the team of eight counselors who assisted Der Komitas
during the week. The counselors were Steve Beler, Armen Dumanian,
Garen Hamblin, Nairi Kazazian, Arlaine MacClennan, Caroline
MacClennan, Christine Sevadjian, Peter Sevadjian, and Tanya
Sevadjian. A thank you also goes out to the parent volunteers who
helped during the camp: Taline Paroyan, Ani Badiani, Alessia Aivazian,
Ani Altounian, Christine Sakarya, Christine Ermarkaryan as well as the
organizing committee of the camp who included Ani Altounian, Taline
Paroyan, Houri Houldsworth, and Christine Ermar-karyan.

We would like to thank the following members of our community for
their donations towards the operating expenses of the camp: Ian & Seta
MacLennan,Loris & Julia Dumanian, Arlette Boghosian, Mardig & Lilian
Sevadjian, Vic & Aida Sevadjian, John & Houri Houldsworth, Vazken &
Ani Altounian, Edouard & Taline Paroyan, Arno & Christine Ermarkaryan,
First Choice Haircutters, Kraft Canada, and Voortman Cookies.

Special thanks to the parents who supported the camp with the presence
of their children and made the 2nd annual St. Vartan Summer Day Camp a
great success!!

Last but not least, a special thanks to Der Komitas for his leadership
and efforts to continue to make this camp a reality.

Some thoughts and sentiments on the Pilgrimage to St Anne de Baupre

Gregory Kalaydjian

On July 9, 10, and 11, around 140 of us went on a three-day journey
from Toronto to Montreal and Quebec City. Our journey began on Friday
with a small tour of Montreal, where we visited Notre Dame and St
Joseph cathedrals. The architecture of these two cathedrals was
magnificent, as I stood there marveled by their beauty. Although we
did not get a chance to enter the Notre Dame Cathedral, we could still
appreciate its awe-inspiring stature from the outside. From the moment
I caught sight of the Notre Dame Cathedral, I knew our journey had
just begunâ=80¦

Our next stop was the St Joseph Cathedral/oratory, located atop Mount
Royal. This cathedral was a sight to behold. The altar is situated on
the topmost level of the cathedral, where one can either take the
escalators from the inside or climb the stairs on the outside to reach
it. The bottom level of the cathedral features a hallway adorned with
small candles. The candles can belit as a sign of respect for the
Saints, followed by a prayer. Our group of pilgrims headed for the
altar. Slowly but surely we all made our way to the top, as we were
able to observe the splendor and beauty that is St. Joseph.

As we gathered in front of the altar, I felt a sense of peace and
tranquility I had not felt in a long time. Suddenly, as if guided by
the Holy Spirit, the choir began to sing Armenian hymns. Anybody who
knew the words to the hymns joined the choir. It was a very spiritual
experience. I left the cathedral feeling blessed and spiritually

The next day, along with around a hundred of our fellow pilgrims from
Montreal, we made our way to Ste. Anne de Beaupre located outside of
QuebecCity. This was to be the apex of our journey. This majestic
cathedral stood alone, isolated from everything else. It was a
spiritual oasis located in the middle of a desolate wasteland. Badarak
was held within the cathedral, whose walls are decorated with various
images of Jesus Christ and the Saints. I am gratefulto the council of
Ste. Anne de Beaupre for allowing us Armenians to perform our ceremony
in the cathedral. In return, we had the opportunity to share our
wonderful and enlightening ceremony we call ‘badarak’ with the
non-Armenians of Ste Anne de Beaupre.

I would like to thank Mr. And Mrs. Mario and Taline Gumushdjian for
being the driving force behind this trip; the Very Rev. Arch Father
Zareh Zargarian for his guidance and wisdom as he led us pilgrims on
this wonderful journey; Deacon Vrej Berberian, Mrs. Diana Bogosyan,
Mrs. Sonia Kokorian and all theothers who helped out with the
organization of the trip; my fellow members of the Christian Church
Mission for their patience and their ideas brought forth to the table;
Ms. Talar Chichmanian who helped co-ordinate the trip in Montreal; His
Eminence Bishop Bagrat Galstanyan along with all the priests and
deacons in Montreal who organized and co-ordinated badarak at Ste Anne
de Beaupre. I would also like to thank everyone who participated in
this pilgrimage for their patience, their enthusiasm, and their
determination. I hope your journey was as spiritually fulfilling as

Divan of the Diocese

Nargizian David:
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