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Karabakh Armenian army to hold annual maneuvers

Radio Free Europe, Czech Republic
Aug 3 2004


STEPANAKERT, 03.08.04. Nagorno-Karabakh’s armed forces will start on
Tuesday annual exercises which the leadership of the
Armenian-populated disputed region says are aimed at testing and
improving their strength.

In a statement on Monday, the Defense Ministry of the unrecognized
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic said the ten-day war games will take place
to `ascertain the combat readiness of the Defense Army when it is
brought to a state of highest alert.’ They are also meant to improve
`the process of troops’ inter-operability during defensive and
counter-offensive operations,’ the statement said.

The Karabakh military also said that the exercises are part of its
regular training plan for this year, implying that they are not
related to the recent series of Armenian-Azerbaijani peace talks or
clashes along the border with Armenia and Azerbaijan. Officials in
Stepanakert told RFE/RL separately that they will be attended by army
reservists and involve the use of live ammunition by light and heavy

Although the precise venue of the drills was not specified, they are
likely to take place near the main Armenian-Azerbaijani line of
contact east of Karabakh. The decade-long regime of ceasefire has
largely held there, but sporadic skirmishes continue to claim lives
on both sides of the frontline.

By Emil Danielyan

Badalian Vardan:
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