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Armenian war veterans continue sit-in outside government building

Armenian war veterans continue sit-in outside government building

Noyan Tapan news agency
5 Aug 04


A sit-in of 20 azatamartiks freedom fighters – members of nine units
of the Artsakh Armenian name of Nagornyy Karabakh liberation movement,
which started on 3 August at Yerablur monument to martyrs in Yerevan ,
continued outside the Armenian government building at 0900 0400 gmt on
4 August. We should recall that the government is the addressee of
the protesters’ main demand: to allocate funds to provide their
families with flats.

A Noyan Tapan correspondent has learnt from the leader of the Armenian
Aryan Union, Armen Avetisyan, that representatives of the Defence
Ministry visited the protesters on the first day of their action.

Passage omitted: Background details

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