ARS Inc. to Participate in UN Dept of Public Info. Conference

80 Bigelow Avenue
Watertown, MA 02472
Telephone; 617-926-5892
E-Mail _ARS1910@AOL.COM_ (mailto:ARS1910@AOL.COM)
Website; ARS1910.ORG
Contact Person: Hamesd Beugekian

ARS, Inc. to Participate in United Nations
Department of Public Information Conference
8-10 September, 2004

The 57th Annual Conference of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs),
take place at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, from
Wednesday to Friday, 8 to 10 September, 2004. The Conference, the
premier NGO event at United Nations headquarters each year, is
organized by the NGO Section of DPI (Department of Public Information)
together with the Executive Committee of NGOs associated with DPI.
Secretary-General Kofi Anan will open the Conference on 8 September in
the general Assembly Hall. In addition to the opening and closing
plenary sessions, which will feature keynote speakers, the Conference
will hold 5 morning and afternoon plenary panels, as well as 30 Midday
NGO Interactive workshops. Over 1,700 NGO representatives, associated
with the DPI and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) from about 90
countries around the world, are expected to attend The Conference.
The Armenian Relief Society, Inc. will have a midday workshop
partnership with 2 other NGO’s: NGO Committee on Child’s Rights, and
NGO Committee on HIV/AIDS, on Thursday, September 9th, 2004, from
1:15pm to 2:45 pm in the Dag Hammarskjold Library and Auditorium in
the UN headquarter building. The workshop is entitled `HIV/AIDS
Education, Prevention and Care; an Emphasis on Engaging Boys and Men
as Full Partners of Women and Children’. A large number of ARS members
will attend this conference from Canada and the USA.