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Russia Struggles to Contain Hate Crimes

Thursday Aug 5, 2004

Russia Struggles to Contain Hate Crimes

By Sergei Blagov Correspondent
August 05, 2004

Moscow ( – A series of violent attacks and incidents with an
apparent racist motive has added to Russia’s reputation as a country where
xenophobia is unchecked and on the rise.

Last week, Siberia’s oldest synagogue was destroyed in a fire. Authorities
investigating the fire at the 125-year-old Irkutsk synagogue and adjoining
community center have so far ruled out arson, but the incident has
contributed to concerns about anti-Semitic sentiment. Around 10,000 of
Irkutsk’s 675,000 people are Jewish.

Earlier in July, vandals painted swastikas and anti-Jewish slogans on the
walls of a Jewish community center in Russia’s internal republic of Mari-El.
The building had been targeted before.

The most serious recent incident occurred last June, when a prominent expert
on Russian minorities issues, Nikolai Girenko, was shot dead in his St.
Petersburg home.

Police suspect neo-Nazis were behind the killing.

Girenko, 64, had been an advisor in 15 top-profile court cases which saw
extremists convicted. In the last such case before his death, he was a
witness in the trial of a neo-Nazi group called Schultz-88 (88 is an
international “skinhead” code for Heil Hitler, H being the eighth letter of
the alphabet).

Before the shooting, an obscure group, Russian Republic, posted on an
Internet website a “verdict” issued by its self-styled government,
sentencing Girenko to death. It called him “an enemy of the Russian people”
who was guilty of helping to imprison “patriots.”

St. Petersburg prosecutors said they were investigating the web site, and
vowed to solve the murder, assigning 120 investigators and turning the case
over to a newly-created department specializing in hate crimes.

At the same time, officials have not ruled out the possibility that he was
the victim of a random crime or hooliganism. No arrests have yet been made.

The Union of Councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union (UCSJ) has
appealed to the authorities to take seriously the murder in particular, and
“extremist activity and xenophobic incidents in general.”

According to the Moscow Human Rights Bureau, between 2002 and 2004 the
number of skinheads in Russia has risen from 30,000 to 50,000. The office
predicts that number could double in the next two years.

St. Petersburg has become a focus of hate crimes, prompting the Novye
Izvestia daily to ask in a commentary whether the city was “the cradle of
Russian Nazism.” Racially-motivated murders there have included those of a
nine-year-old Tajik girl last February and a six-year-old Roma girl almost a
year ago.

However, Russia’s smaller urban centers face similar problems.

Voronezh in Central Russia is known as a center for skinhead activity. An
African medical student was killed there last February, and in recent months
human rights activists in the city have complained about attacks and
harassment by extremists.

Despite repeated official pledges to crack down, Russia is struggling to
contain racial violence. Many non-Russian migrants from former Soviet states
do not feel safe, having fallen prey to violent incidents.

Some attacks also have an economically motivation. Many market stalls in
Moscow and other centers are run by traders from neighboring states such as
Azerbaijan and Georgia and they are often targeted for attack.

Victims often complain that some police officers are themselves racist and
that random document checks, detentions and even beatings of migrants are

Authorities point out, however, that measures like document checks are
needed amid the recent increase in terrorist attacks in Russia.

The Russian government has been working on an education program aimed at
fostering tolerance among its citizens and in the police force. However,
last June the government decided to discontinue its $860,000-a-year
“Tolerance” from next year.

Russia’s Constitution and laws forbid statements and actions that “incite
ethnic and
religious strife,” but few have been punished for making such remarks.

Some perpetrators of racial or religiously motivated violence have, on the
other hand, been punished. Last month a Moscow court sentenced five
skinheads aged between 17 and 22 to prison terms ranging from nine to 14
years. They were found guilty of involvement in the beating to death of an
ethnic Azeri and an Armenian in December 2003.

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