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AAA: Congressman Hunter Pledges Membership to Armenian Caucus

Armenian Assembly of America
122 C Street, NW, Suite 350
Washington, DC 20001
Phone: 202-393-3434
Fax: 202-638-4904
Email: info@aaainc.org
August 6, 2004
CONTACT: Christine Kojoian
E-mail: ckojoian@aaainc.org

Assembly-led Meeting Secures California Rep.

El Cajon, California – Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) in a meeting today
with the Armenian Assembly of America pledged to join the Congressional
Caucus on Armenian Issues, locking up San Diego’s entire representation on
this all-important body.

“We’re pleased that Congressman Hunter has pledged to join the Armenian
Caucus,” said Assembly Western Office Director Lena Kaimian, who led the
meeting with community activists. “Congressman Hunter is keenly aware of
the issues facing the Armenian-American community, having championed
legislation recognizing the Armenian Genocide and calling on Turkey to
acknowledge the atrocities of 1915.”

Kaimian added that the Assembly delegation raised several issues of utmost
importance during the meeting – namely the need for Congress to maintain
military aid parity between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Fiscal Year (FY)
2005 Foreign Operations bill. The group said that attempts to provide
Azerbaijan $6 million more than Armenia in military financing would disrupt
the careful balance between the neighboring countries.

Congressman Hunter, who is Chairman of the influential House Armed Services
Committee and a member of the Select Committee on Homeland Security,
commended Armenia’s efforts on the war on terror and its participation in

The meeting at the Congressman’s El Cajon office also included Reverend
Father Datev Tatoulian of St. John’s Armenian Church, Assembly Fellow
Trustees Rouben Avsharian and Gary Takessian and Affiliate Members Serop
Karoglanian and Joanie Schwarz.

“One of the best ways we can support the work of the Armenian Assembly is by
meeting with our elected officials and encouraging their involvement and
support on issues facing our community and homeland,” said Takessian.

Fellow Trustee Anoush Miridjanian of La Jolla, CA, was also instrumental in
informing Congressman Hunter on Armenian issues and “encouraging him to
advocate on behalf of his Armenian-American constituents,” according to

Congressman Hunter is a 12th-term Republican representing eastern and
northern San Diego County. His pledge to the Assembly group today makes him
the fifth and remaining Congressman to join the Caucus. The news follows
Congresswoman Susan Davis’ (D-CA) commitment to Caucus membership during a
meeting Wednesday with Kaimian and the activists above. That meeting also
included Assembly Fellow Trustees Steve Kradjian and Rose Snyder.

The Armenian Caucus has focused on strengthening the U.S.-Armenia and
U.S.-Karabakh relationships, searching for a peaceful solution to the
Nagorno Karabakh conflict, ending the Turkish and Azerbaijani blockades of
Armenia and Karabakh and reaffirming the U.S. record on the Armenian

The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based nationwide
organization promoting public understanding and awareness of Armenian
issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.

Photograph available on the Assembly’s Web site at the following link:

Caption: L to R: Assembly Western Office Director Lena Kaimian, Rouben
Avsharian, Reverend Father Datev Tatoulian, Congressman Duncan Hunter
(R-CA), Joanie Schwarz, Serop Karoglanian and Gary Takessian in El Cajon,
California on August 6.

Hovhannisian John:
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