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Russia tests new Tu-334 passenger plane in Armenia

ITAR-TASS News Agency
August 5, 2004 Thursday

Russia tests new Tu-334 passenger plane in Armenia


Russia chose Armenia for test trials of its new Tu-334 passenger
plane in conditions of heat and mountain landscape.

Chief designer of the Tupolev aircraft company Igor Kalygin told Tass
Thursday Armenia had become a test range for Russian planes as the
Be-300 aircraft passed the trials in the republic last year.

Tu-334 demonstrated good climbing results in conditions of heat and
will be launched into “controlled operation” in the end of the year,
he said.

The new-generation Tu-334 short-distance plane can carry 102
passengers for up to 3,000 kilometers. Kalygin said the plane fully
meets international noise and ecology standards.

In June the Tu-334, which is to replace the Tu-134 and Tu-154
“workhorses” of the Russian aircraft fleet, was certified by the
Interstate Aviation Committee. The Russian demand for the plane is
estimated at 122 craft and market experts believe the Tu-334 will
soon become one of the most widely used planes in the country.

Kalygin said preparations for the serial production are underway.

Chaltikian Arsine:
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