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Governmental Commission of Armenia Approves 11 Charitable Programs


YEREVAN, AUGUST 6. ARMINFO. Today the Governmental Commission of
Armenia on coordination of charitable programs discussed and approved
11 charitable programs.

The governmental press-service told ARMINFO that programs of the Fund
of Agricultural Development on planting greenery and repair of sport
halls of Yerevan school N191 were approved. The program of the
charitable fund “For Armenia”, Berlin Red Cross, providing for repair
of the boiler-house at the school N21 in Gyumri “Henzel-Gretel” was
approved. A program of the charitable and public orgnaization “Kamar”
“Assistant to Shirak region’s rehabilitation Center” was approved.
Besides, the orgnaization intends to implement a program “Direct
assistant and furniture for rural schools” in the village of Small
Sariar. A program of the Armenian office of the organization “Mission
East” “Contribution to children having difficulties with education”
was approved. A program of the Armenian Governmental Department for
Migration and Refugees financed by UNHCR in Armenia was approved, The
program provides for repair of Yerevan hostel No1. According to the
program of the Children Of Armenia Fund “Development of
infrastructures of the village of Karakert, Armavir region” provides
for repair of 2 schools, kindergartens, ambulatories and establishment
of computer center. Besides, organizational programs of the All
Armenian Fund Hayastan on orgnaization of a Pan Armenian Festival “A
Single Nation, A Single Culture” were approved.

Programs on import of cargoes addressed to various organizations were
approved. The commission also discussed a number of issues connected
with transactions under the programs approved earlier.

Tumanian Talar:
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