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AIPRG: Third Annual Aiprg Conference on Armenia

Armenian International Policy Research Group (Washington, DC)
Armine Khachatryan <Armine.Khachatryan@armpolicyresearch.org> – WASHINGTON DC
Garik Hairapetyan <Garik Hairapetyan@armpolicyresearch.org> – YEREVAN


The Armenian International Policy Research Group is pleased to
announce that its third annual conference on will be held in January
15-16, 2005, at World Bank Headquarters in Washington, DC. While the
focus of this year’s conference will be on the issues related to
distribution of income and social safety nets, papers from all areas
of relevance for economic development and growth are welcome.
References should be made to the following broadly-defined sections:

– Growth and Poverty Reduction
– Social Sector Reforms (Education, Health, and Social Security)
– Taxation and Fiscal Policy
– Institutional Reforms and Governance
– Banking and Finance
– Diaspora’s Role and Channels of Involvement
– Trade, Regional Cooperation, and Geopolitics

Prospective authors should email abstracts to
aiprg.conference@armpolicyresearch.org by September 15, 2004. The
Selection Committee will notify authors of accepted abstracts by
October 1, 2004. The deadline for completed papers is December 10,
2004. The Committee will be chaired by:

– David Joulfaian, US Department of the Treasury
– Saumya Mitra, The World Bank
– Susan George, International Monetary Fund

Select papers will be considered for publication in the Armenian
Journal of Public Policy. The final agenda along with the list of
confirmed papers will be circulated by January 1, 2005. The official
language of the conference is English. For more information on the
AIPRG and past conferences please visit

Nalchajian Markos:
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