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Workshop on Armenian Syntax


INALCO (Paris)
August 09, 2004

Monastery of Saint Grégoire de Pithiviers
May 22 – 25, 2005

A. Donabedian, A. Ouzounian (both INALCO; Paris) and J. Dum-Tragut
(University Salzburg) organise a workshop on Armenian Syntax under the
auspices of the AIEA and in co-operation with the Centre Georges Dumezil
d’Etudes Comparatives Irano-caucasiennes (CNRS-INALCO).

The workshop will take place in the town of Pithiviers, 80km far from Paris,
in the Monastery of Saint Grégoire de Pithiviers, also called Saint Gregoire

The main aim of this first workshop on Armenian Syntax is to present the
status quo of syntactic research in Armenian variants, to discuss specific
syntactic features and to show some perspectives for further research in the
field of Armenian syntax. The focus of interest, however, should be a
lively scientific discussion on various topics of Armenian Syntax, based on
the working papers (45-60 minutes) presented by participants.

Each day of the workshop has a special topic with sub-topics, which also
comprise topics such as Word-order, diachronic studies, spoken syntax and
the interaction of word order and prosody, dialectal syntax and a special
topic on comparative Syntax of the linguistic area “Eurasia” – Caucasus.

The workshop languages are English, French and Armenian.

On Sunday evening, May 22nd 2005, the participants will go together from
Paris to Pithiviers and will return to Paris on Wednesday evening. One
afternoon in Pithiviers will be free for a special social program.

Lodging and food will be provided at the monastery or in neighbouring hotels
for reasonable prices.

A reservation form including all details will be sent in September 2004.

For registration and further information on the workshop, please contact:
Doz. Dr. Jasmine Dum-Tragut
Institut für den Christlichen Osten, Abteilung Armenologie
A-5020 Salzburg, Mönchsberg 2a
Fax: +43/62/842 52 11-143
or e-mail: jasmine.dum.tragut@inode.at

For reservation and information on lodging, please contact:
Dr. Agnès Ouzounian
2, rue de Lille; F-75343 Paris Cedex 07
Fax: +33 149 26 42 99
or e-mail: agnes.ouzounian@inalco.fr

Karabekian Emil:
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